Love and Thunder, Part 1

Twin orbs of pure darkness glared down at Sam from what was approximately the giant shadow’s face, causing an icy chill to roll slowly up his back.

“We got this...” Sam could feel the will draining from him with every second those evil eyes were on him. “We do have this... right?”

“Didn’t you say you’ve beaten this thing before?” Thunder asked.

“I had a freaking demigod relic helping me,” Sam reasoned. “And...”

Sam didn’t want to say it out loud, but he noticed that this giant shadow seemed far more manifest than just a mere outline of darkness like the one he and Crow-Man had fought at the Met.

Where its form once flickered in and out like a bad TV reception, the nearly thirty-foot top-half of the giant rising out of the hole in the ground was more solid now with more noticeable features. The outline of wild, unkempt hair, the shape of a gigantic chiseled face, and those twin orbs of darkness that were its eyes—these things freaked Sam out more than he could admit.