The new arrival who bounced into the air to avoid the banshee’s death wail wore a skintight spandex suit that was mostly tan-colored but with white gloves and boots to match.
“Find the’ll lead you to the rabbit,” Sam repeated Farsight’s instructions to him before he got off the Argo VII earlier. “Master, you don’t think...?”
'If the mask fits,' Chiron replied dryly.
The hero’s tan mask covered his entire head much as a ski mask did. Apart from the bunny-like ears popping out of its sides, the mask’s only other design was two large plastic lenses with slightly reflective surfaces.
“Do we know who he is?”
'Give me a second to check my sources.'
Sam watched this new hero bounce around in the air to land a jackknife kick right between the banshee’s eyes, causing the horror’s upper body to bend back like a taut bow.
“Nice one,” Sam said, nodding appreciatively at this display of martial skill.