The Light of Memory, Part 1

The explosion that rocked the clearing was the very definition of danger-close, and the force of its shockwave sent Sam hurtling into a nearby tree. However, although a great deal of pain racked his spine, Sam was still quick to rise to his feet and get back into firing position.

[ALERT! Your HP has dropped considerably. [Regeneration (ζ)] is currently working to heal you of friendly fire damage.]

“What the hell was that?!” Sam yelled, surprise flitting across his face.

Farsight had never said she’d packed an explosive arrow into Sam’s quiver. What if he’d died from that? What if the hind had?

“Oh, gods, is it—”

A cloud of smoke and dust obscured his vision, making it difficult to determine his enemy’s position. But the beast didn’t seem content to hide within the smoke for long as it rushed out of the cloud only moments after Sam notched another arrow to his bow.

“You’re alive!” he yelled, and then, “Oh, crap, you’re alive!”