The five of them were lined up on one side of the circular platform. On the other end of it, looming right in front of the door Sam guessed would warp them to their next stop, was a creature straight from the pages of a DnD manual.
If phantoms were mostly skeletons in appearance, then a revenant was like the dark-side version of the person they’d once been—more skin and meat than bones and rags. Some of them, at least those who’d been heroes before their deaths, still carried the weapons and armors they once possessed in life.
“Holy Zeus,” Sam breathed.
“Not Zeus...” Thunder replied. “This thing belongs to Hades...”
The revenant staring Sam and his friends down was about half a head taller than Dr. Hearthstone, although its body was as emaciated as a starving ghoul’s. Veins of ghostly fire spread across patches of deathly pale skin, mirroring the ethereal light blazing out of the monster’s empty eye sockets.
“Bloody Duat…that thing’s got a nasty aura,” Jackboot said.