Sam, Thunder, and Jackboot got back into the bus at Farsight’s request because she didn’t need them falling off while she drove the bus off the edge of Ares’ Sacred Grove and back to their world. Dr. Hearthstone was already strapped to his seat in the living area. He was nursing a hot drink in his hands.
“I brewed coffee for everyone,” he said, and then offered Thunder a cup.
“Thanks, doc,” she said.
As she took her seat next to him, Thunder sipped on her cup, which was when her eyes widened slightly.
“That bad?” Sam whispered into her ear.
“Kind of spicy but tasty,” she replied.
“Special blend,” Dr. Hearthstone grinned. “Grounded Chilean beans mixed with high-grade cardamom powder and half-moon ginger from the gardens of Priapos.”
“Priapos,” Sam repeated, recalling the name of the Olympian god of gardens just before his eyes widened too. “Didn’t the vegetables grown on the Priapus Farm in Kansas have special properties?”