Rising, Part 2

He could see even more news crews among the crowd of cheering civilians. BBN, NNC, CBN, the California Times, the Post, and even the Herald—the big news teams were all present. Sam was almost certain that he would be blamed for everything later on.

“Ash”—Sam tore his gaze away from the flashing lights of the news crews and sent it toward the darkening sky—“do you know where Medea’s dragon went?”

“It flew past the San Francisco skyline about half an hour ago. There are reports that it’s flying eastward,” Farsight answered.

“It’s headed out of the state?” Sam asked.

Farsight nodded. “Not even stopping for a bite to eat.”

“But where is it headed?” Sam pressed.

“Where do you think?” Farsight countered.

Seeing that knowing look on Farsight’s face, Sam was reminded of the first lines of her great prophecy.

[A shadow’s curse rises from the earth, immortal in the land of its birth]