The Resistance, Part 2

As they entered the cavernous chamber, all ghostly gazes turned to Sam and his friends. And, what began as hungry stares for the life they’d lost were quick to morph into curious expressions at their living guests which were also quick to be replaced by mild disinterest. It’s not that they thought little of the three heroes, but the shades inside this war room—for what else could it be—seemed far too busy with their maps and unfurled scrolls to give the livings more than a moment’s worth of interest.

“You’re wondering why they haven’t attacked you despite your Mark of Hector?” the Phylarch guessed.

Hearing the word ‘Mark of Hector’ sent a few more curious glances in Sam’s direction, although none of them seemed hostile, and they were also quick to look away.

“Um, yeah, I was wondering that,” Sam admitted.