Canyon of death

Until death, chapter 18

Theme: The Canyon Beast and the Maggots

I felt sudden burning coursing from the sword throughout my body, between my eyes, and I leapt to my feet with an enormous amount of strength, more than anything I had ever encountered. I leapt twenty feet from the canyon bridge into the air, and one of the big crawling insects missed me by inches. I swivelled in mid-air, spun my body twice, and landed on the other side of the incoming insect. 

They had two sharp antennae, similar to a mosquito's but more so than a scorpion's. I knew if they mistakenly struck me with those ugly ledges, I wouldn't live to tell the tales. They had eight legs, two large eyes, a mouth like that of a spider, and saliva was dripping from them. I reached forward with a great battle cry, wrapped my hand around the smooth ivory hilt of the sword, which was decorated with runes, and slashed at one creature with all my strength as it dived at me.