Feeling powerful


I meet Roan at the stables the next day. He told me to meet him there because we need to go a bit further away today for practicing magic. It is better to take the seahorses then instead of shapeshifting. Roan looks a bit tired today.

''Are you okay?'' I ask him.

''Yes, just tired from yesterday, audiences always take a lot of energy.''

He doesn't say much the rest of the ride. We ride for about an hour until we are almost in the mortal realm.

''What are we doing here?'' I ask.

Roan looks at me, ''I think you are ready to try the most advanced water magic I can teach you.''

''Ow and what is that?''

Roan get's off his seahorse and stands on the bottom of the sea. I can see a beach in the distance.

''You are gonna command the sea to do whatever you want,'' he says.

Normally this would be the time for him to explain and demonstrate how to do the magic. But this time he just stands there and puts his arms above his head. His eyes begin to glow with blue light and the water around us starts to rise until it's kilometers high. I look with an open mouth until Roan puts his arms forwards and the water turns into a tsunami heading for the beach.


Roan just looks at me, ''If you want to save them you have to stop it''

I scream, ''tell me what to do then?''

Roan shows no emotion, ''I can't for this powerful magic, it is different for everyone. Listen to the sea and command it.''

I hurry past him and focus on the tsunami in front of me. I close my eyes and slow my breathing. I close myself off from all sounds and only concentrate on the sound of the water. I think about the amount of water in front of me and imagine reaching out an invisible hand from my mind. I can feel magic starting to boil inside, it starts at my toes with a tingling sensation. The water has now almost reached the shore and I can hear the screaming of people in the background.

The magic has now filled my whole body. I open my eyes and they burn blue fire when my magic pours out. I open my arms and all my mind thinks is, ''STOP!''

When I can see again the tsunami has halted. I sigh from relief and now turn around furious to Roan. He is smiling at me and looking super proud but I feel so pissed for him teaching me this way. The wall of water stands behind me at my command and I point my arms forward. The water rushes at Roan with incredible speed. His eyes turn big when he realizes I am not commanding it to stop this time.

Just before the water touches his nose I open my arms and the water splits in half leaving a path open so that Roan is unharmed. I then put my hands into a praying motion to thank the water and tell it with my mind to go back to its natural position.

Roan looks at me a bit unsure, ''I guess I deserved that'' I walk to him so close that our noses almost touch.

''Yes, you sure did you knob. Was it really necessary to teach me that way?''

Roan smiles, ''I guess we will never find out but in my experience magic that powerful needs an important motivator.''

I rise one of my eyebrows, ''What about if I couldn't have done it?''

Roan takes my face in his hands, ''I knew you could, I have never met a woman as amazing and remarkable as you.''

He stops to think, ''Aren't you tired though. You just used up a huge amount of magic but you don't seem like it?''

Now that he mentions it I realize he is right. I feel nothing like the last time I did powerful magic.

''No, actually I am not. I feel powerful like I can take on the world,'' I say.

''Mmm, strange your power must still be growing then. I have never heard of that before.''

I poke him in his ribs, ''You are just scared I will become more powerful than you.''

Roan laughs and tackles me, ''I can still take you by force.''

I look into his eyes, ''It's not force if I like it.''

Roan chuckles, ''You are getting more naughty by the minute. However, I don't think this would be the most appropriate place for that sort of thing. Let's get back to the castle I have some business I have to attend to, unfortunately.''

We ride back to the castle and Roan disappears into his study. I decide to go for a walk and on my walk, I still have this feeling of confidence and power. I need to do something and get it released so I decide to look if Roan is still busy. I walk into his study to find him sitting at his desk buried in papers still. When I see him sit there with his hair all messy and his serious face I just want to show him who is boss today. He looks up at me with his big green puppy eyes and wants to say something but stops when he sees the fire in my eyes.