

I wake up on a cold floor in what must be a cell. I shiver from the cold and hold my knees to keep myself warm. My throat feels sore from all the smoke I have inhaled. Around me, there are cells as far as I can see but they are all empty. In front of me, there is a door with a heavy lock and a hallway that leads to stairs on the right. The lock seems too big to break and I can't find anything small to pick it with.

I am trying to break off the lock when I hear footsteps approach. I hurry to the far end of the cell and make myself as small as possible. I see someone walk towards my cell and I could recognize those blue eyes from miles away, it is Gabriel.

''Good you are awake,'' he says.

I stand up and look at him hatefully, ''Like you give a shit.''

He looks me up and down and shouts to some servants that came after him, ''Get her washed and ready.''

He turns around to walk away, ''Wait!'' I shout.

He slowly turns back to me and I look into his eyes, ''Where is Roan?''

Gabriel gives me a sad smile, ''Alive but he sure doesn't deserve someone as loyal as you.''

He stops like he wants to say more but then shakes his head. ''Make the girl ready,'' he says to the servants.

I feel panic coming up, ready for what?

But Gabriel already walks away, ''Ready for what? Gabriel? Gabriel?'' I shout.

The servants who are dark humans grab me roughly and push me to the door. They put my arms behind my back and lead me up the stairs. The building we are in seems to be made from black stone and there are flaming torches everywhere.

They lead me to a room with a big bathtub and leave me there. I stand in the middle of the room unsure what to do when a dark human woman walks in.

''Get in the tub,'' she says harshly.

I have a very bad feeling about all of this so I say, ''No.''

The woman walks to me and punches me in my belly. Then she kicks me a few times. I lay on the ground gasping for air.

''If you ever want to see your precious little sea king then you better do what I say.''

I stumble to the tub and take off my clothes. The water is cold and smells like cinnamon. The woman scrubs me so roughly until my skin seems red. Then she holds out a white dress.

''Put this on,'' she commands.

I do what she says and because I am still wet the dress is see-through everywhere. The woman walks to the mirror in the room and says, ''She is ready.''

5 minutes later Gabriel walks in. His eyes go over my body and dwell a bit longer on my breasts. His gaze seems full of approval at first until he notices the blue spots from where the woman kicked me.

He looks at her furious ''Are you out of your mind spoiling the sacrifice?''

I feel my throat close up and think, ''the sacrifice? I am in deep trouble.''

Lightning starts to erupt from Gabriel's fingers and he looks the woman in her eyes, ''Get out before I kill you.''

The woman quickly runs out the back door. Gabriel inspects my body and I look at him scared, ''What do you mean to sacrifice?''

He just lifts my chin with his hands and looks at my face, ''Luckily she left your pretty face intact.''

He looks deep into my eyes and puts a piece of my hair behind my ear. Then he leaves and calls for the guards. I suddenly feel something tickle behind my ear and when I go there with my hand I take out a small iron pin.

''Gabriel must have put it there,'' I think which makes me even more confused. I quickly hide it in my hand when the guards come in.

They bring me to the highest point in the castle. It looks like a room made in the upper point of a mountain with air holes big enough to fit in 5 humans. In the middle of the room, there is an altar and a big kettle. On the right I see Gabriel standing against the wall. And on the left, there is a big iron throne made from steel. On the throne sits a woman with dark hair, dark eyes, and red lips. The cruel look in her eyes gives me no doubt that she must be Hella. When I look next to her there is a small throne and my heart jumps for joy when I see it's Roan sitting in it. I feel so relieved to see that he is okay and I shout his name, ''ROAN!''