The beginning of the end


''let's begin,'' Hella says and she walks towards the big kettle.

Her eyes become red and flames erupt from under the kettle. She starts walking around the kettle and sings an incantation. ''Ignis ille ex resurgemus,'' she keeps repeating.

My stomach feels like it's about to leave my body. I have a very bad feeling about this. I look at Gabriel and catch his blue eyes looking for mine. His eyes go to my hands and I suddenly remember the bobby pin he gave me.

I quietly start to pick the lock on my left hand.

''BRING THE BONES,'' Hella's voice thunders through the room.

2 dark humans come in with a small chest. Hella puts the bones in the kettle, ''Bone of the father.''

Red smoke emerges from the kettle now. ''Bring in the willing sacrifice,'' Hella demands.

I keep picking the lock but look at the door when I hear someone walk in. It is just a little girl. She has an empty look in her eyes and walks to the kettle.