

It is too dangerous to talk about what just happened in the palace so Julias and Gabriel both go separate ways after the talk with Lord Midas. Julias goes to his room and when he lays in bed he is still stunned by what happened. How can they be so stupid and ignorant and best of all trying to make a deal with Hades. That is just asking for trouble. Julias feels bad for all the people that have to suffer the consequences of such a clueless leader. It takes him a long time to fall asleep and he wakes up the next morning with a big headache.

It is still very early when he decides to go have some breakfast but to his surprise, Luna is there as well. He immediately feels nervous and tries to be relaxed when he walks to her.

"Hello, My name is Julias. I don't think we have met before."

Luna looks up at him with her big blue eyes and studies him before answering, "Nice to meet you Julias, my name is Luna. I am Lord Midas his daughter. Who are you?"