Holly walks into the meditation cave and looks around unsure. Such serene surroundings are not really her thing. Just hearing waterdrops gives too much space to think and she has learned to cope by keeping herself distracted. She takes a deep breath and tells herself to suck it up because she decided she wants to face her demons so she can’t go back now when already the silence makes her uncomfortable.
Zeus is putting lit candles all around the cave and just leaves some space in the middle. He sits down and she sits down facing him. She knows her eyes are full of fear but she has suppressed these memories for so long. Zeus takes her hands in his and his calm eyes are the only comfort she has at the moment. “So to begin the meditation all you have to do is focus on the flame of one of the candles and listen to the water drops. I will be there any step of the way, you will hear my voice and I can pull you out if it gets too intense, okay?”