

It is a few days later and Holly and Nolan are cuddling on a couch in the general living room when Zeus storms in.

“I finally figured it out,” he shouts.

He quickly walks away and Holly and Nolan look at each other confused. Zeus already comes back and waves them over, “Well come on! Follow me.”

Holly and Nolan quickly get up and walk after Zeus to the meeting room. Zeus is standing at the table staring at some brightly shining objects. Zeus picks up a sword that is shining so bright it is hard to look at.

“I finally found the right incantation to transfer the light from the glow worms into the swords. I did the same for spears.”

Holly walks towards the last object which is a black ball. “What is that?”

Zeus quickly holds her back, “Careful, that is a light bomb. I mixed light magic with gun-powder so when the bomb hits a surface it becomes an explosion of light.”

Nolan looks at Zeus impressed, “You have outdone yourself, Zeus. Can we test them?”