A Ray Of Hope

Anaïs's POV

I think everybody was shocked seeing me up and about after...well after I lost my wolf. I think they expected me to cry around for atleast a few more days but I was in all honesty exhausted from crying.

Nobody had any idea as to why I lost Isis, apparently this doesn't happen very often. A werewolf losing their wolf is not unheard of, it happens or that's what my research showed. But it has only been recorded to happen in two situations: one, if the wolf deems it's human too unworthy and a serious danger to other creatures and decides to take away his natural advantage and two, if the wolf's mate dies.

It has never happened with a simple gunshot wound which is what makes my case unique. I know Isis didn't find me a danger to other living creatures, hell I was out there risking my life trying to save pack members! And I sure as hell didn't lose Callan...so nobody had a single clue as to why this had happened.