Avengers Came To Destroy My Future

"Hmmmmmm... Ehmmmmmm..." I groaned as I tried to lift the big box.

"Can?" asked Steven who was too lazy to move his hand muscles to help carry all the documents that I had to hand over to all team members.

"Bissaaaa...!" I said, lifting a box of documents out of the trunk of Steven's car.

"Wow ..," said Steven when he saw me lifting the heavy box. I don't know what the word 'wow' means. Did he mean to mock or praise? The mystery, let only he who knows.

"Not bad, Wonder Woman," he said smiling as he walked over to me.

Aw, flattered. Me and Gal Gadot, a comparison that should make me happy, but since it was Steven who said it, then, the compliment sounded a bit off-key.

"Do you not intend to ..., eugh ..., for a moment, to sag," I said as I returned the box to its original position in my hand. "Do you not intend to help?"

"Ngg... nope..." he said, shaking his head.