Please Help, I was Kidnapped!

"Moon River, wider than a mile

I'm crossing you in style someday"

I know, that song. A sad song that I will always remember. Yes, I will never forget the song that played on the radio on a lonely night. It's still fresh in my mind, that night, it was raining heavily in Bandung, and I was alone in my room. Alone to shed a million tears for that bastard.

Yes, I know, I'm not like other normal humans. Humans are usually always trying to socialize. That is why humans are called social creatures. But, there's something strange about me, I don't socialize like other humans. I can't tell my heart to anyone. Not to my closest friends, not to my family, not to anyone in the world. Even today, no one knows what's in my heart.

"Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker"