Chapter 2:Thank you

Alyssa's pov:

Why do my parents have to be at home? Don't they have other things to do rather than trouble me?

I'm walking home right now and let me tell you that it would be so much easier if my parents didn't have a problem with the friends that I have. So would you like to know what has me so scared of my parents?

Well let's start from the beginning shall we: My name is Alyssa Prescott. I live with both my parents namely Alison and Bill Prescott. I have an older brother his name is Shawn Prescott and he is older by a good 8 years.

My life hasn't always been hell and I guess it has to do with the fact that I had an older brother that actually lived with me. After Sean left for college things changed. I was 10 when I watched my brother walk through the door to study engineering.

But little did I know that the minute he left my whole life was going to change and it wasn't for the better. My parents used to love me but after Sean left they resented me and the only time they would be nice to me after that was when Sean came home.

After he left they would start hitting me and swearing me. After they got tired of doing that they told me how useless I was and that I was a disappointment to the family.

I used to have an older sister as well and she was beautiful and smart her name was Hailey and my parents adored her. She died 7 years ago trying to protect me. My parents blamed me for the whole thing.

In actual fact if they were at home she wouldn't have died. But that's a story for another time.

I'm actually pretty smart and I get good marks above 90 in all my subjects but its never enough. If I even drop one percent my body gets filled with scars and bruises. I'm sure you're feeling sorry for me but I don't like the sympathy.

Its actually gotten worse. I didn't think it would but hey life's a bitch and it proved me wrong cause it did gets worse. This is the life I live and if I tell anybody my parents threatened to kill me that's why I spend most of my time with Theo and his mom.

As for the boys as friends thing believe it or not my parents, my own flesh and blood think of me as a slut. I can tolerate the other things they call me but being called a slut is something I won't tolerate and that is why my parents can't see me with Theo otherwise his life will be in danger.

I think you've heard enough for now. I'm standing In front of my house but I hear laughing. I press my ear against the door and I think I almost passed out. My parents were actually laughing don't think I'm crazy but they haven't laughed since Sean left.

I slowly turn the doorknob and walk in. I cautiously walked towards the kitchen. I peeped inside and heaved a sigh of relief. Thank god we had a visitor. But then I looked more closely we had visitors.

"Alyssa darling there you are." I heard my mom call me. "Come meet Mr. And Mrs. Parker , they are our new business partners." She said and looked towards them. "Show some respect or else your punishment for being late will be worse." She whispered in my ear.

I walked up to them and greeted them,"Good evening, I'm sorry I interrupted your dinner."

"We don't mind besides we were waiting to meet the beautiful daughter of this house." Mrs.Parker smiled at me. I looked towards my parents and saw that they were looking at me in disgust as if me being called beautiful was the most delirious thing in the world.

"Thank you for the compliment but if you will excuse me I have homework to finish." I smiled at them. "Of course education comes first." Mr.Parker nodded at me.

I walked out of the kitchen and into my room making sure to close the door and lock it. I got out my books and started doing my homework. Who even invented homework? I would like to meet that person and give them a piece of my mind.

I'm listening to Youngblood by 5 SOS and doing my math. The song just ended and I heard a knock on my door. As if, it was more like someone was trying to break down my door.

I cautiously went to the door and unlocked it. I bolted to the other side of the room before the door could open. "Don't even try to run away you little brat!" I heard my dad scream. "Where were you and who were you with?" My mother looked at me with disgust.

"I was out with some friends." I replied confidently.

You're anything but confident right now. My sub conscience reminds me.

I look at my parents to see them fuming. "And who gave you the permission to go out with some sluts?" My father glared at me. Don't start crying I kept saying to myself. Don't show that you are weak.

"They are not sluts!"I raised my voice.

They're not even girls. Thought my sub conscience would have a comment.

"You dare raise your voice at me! You ungrateful bitch after all we've done for you!" My dad was really pissed now. He started advancing on me. I walked back into the wall, I'm so stupid why'd I have to push myself in a corner?

Then I felt it, I was used to it so at first I didn't think he did anything until I felt the pain flaring through my body. He punched me in my stomach. When I was on the floor he started kicking me. He never hurt my face though because he knew that if he did people would ask questions.

I learnt how to control my breathing so that they stopped when they thought I was unconscious.

I heard my room door close and slowly began standing up. The only problem was that I couldn't. The pain was too much so I just laid on the floor for a while but I soon felt light headed and let the darkness take over me.

Theo's pov:

(The next morning)

I woke up and I felt uneasy. I walked in the kitchen and my mom looked at me shocked. Well it was 6 am and I only wake up around 7.

"Is something wrong?" My mom asked worriedly. Is something wrong? I thought to myself.

I had gotten ready as soon as I woke up so now the only thing I wanted to do was check up on Alyssa.

I got my car keys and grabbed my school bag. "I'm going to check up on Ally." I told my mom while giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Bring her back here if she is hurt." I heard my mom scream as I closed the door behind me.

I drove to Alyssa's house and thank god her parents weren't at home. Its either they both go or they both stay but I don't understand why they hate her so much.

I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. I waited at least 5 minutes then got the spare key out from my car. Alyssa gave me a set of house keys after I had to break down the door once because she wasn't answering.

My heart is pounding and I get scared when I listen at how quiet the house is. My heart is now hammering against my chest as I get closer to her room. Please let her be alright I say to myself.

I slowly open her room door scared of what I'm going to see on the other side of the door. I look inside and my eyes go wide at the sight of her on the floor. I run up to her and pick her up gently while laying her head down on my lap. My eyes start tearing up as I gently held her head. "Alyssa please wake up. Please for me." I was crying by now.

After I calmed down I gently lifted her up and saw that she didn't even stir a bit. I laid her down on her bed and packed her school bag and another bag with clothes. I had to make it look as if she went to school in the morning.

I packed the bags in my car and came back for her. I looked at her and wanted to start crying again. How can someone be this cruel?

I sit her in the car and put the seatbelt on. I run to the drivers side and put my seatbelt on. I start driving to my house and phone my mom." Mom, call Dr.Harrison."I told her flatly.

I ended the call and looked towards Alyssa but I'm not sad anymore, I'm angry. Angry that I couldn't protect her,angry that I just left her there when I knew what was going to happen. Angry that I failed her.

I pulled into my driveway and saw the doctor's car. I jumped out and went to the passenger side of the car. I lifted Alyssa up and carried her into my house and gently placed her on my bed.

The doctor started doing a check up and I just stood in the corner of the room watching him. When he was done he stood up and walked out,I followed him and closed my door after looking at her for one last time.

"She's fine, she just needs some rest and I would advise that she doesn't go back home for a while otherwise she might end up in hospital." The doctor told me with a sorrowful look on his face. "I will prescribe some pain meds and she should wake up in a few hours. But be careful with her at this point with all the injuries she is quite fragile." The doctor said while writing.

He handed me the script. "Thank you doctor and we'll take good care of her." I promised him. I walked him to the door and went out with him. I went to the store and got the medication that the doctor had prescribed.

I got back home and looked at my mother. She shook her head,"I guess you not going to school today."she asked me. "Do you honestly expect me to answer that question?" I looked at her incredulously.

"I knew you wouldn't but still, Theo I know you care for her but what about school?" She looks at me. "What about it? I'll ask Aaron to get my work for me." I tell her while walking to my room.

I put the medication on my bedside table and look at Alyssa sleeping on my bed. I look at all her scars and see them becoming more prominent. It just made me more angry to know that someone would be sick enough to beat their child this much.

She started to stir in her sleep and slowly her eyes started to open. She opened her eyes and looked panicked. She looked frightened like she couldn't figure out where she was. I saw one tear slip down her face then she started crying.

"Hey, its alright they're not here you're at my house." I sat next to her on my bed and pulled her closer to me. "How ...did....I get" She asked between sobs and it broke me to see her this hurt.

"I went to your house to check on you and then I found you laying on the floor, I brought you home and called a doctor." I told her while still holding her. I hugged her tight while my shirt soaked up all her tears.

She calmed down after a while and I pulled away from her. "You should wash up I brought some clothes for you. I'll go make something for you to eat." I told her while walking out of my room. "Thank you,"she said softly I almost didn't hear it "for everything I told you about what happens to me and thank you for always being there." She gave me a small smile. It wasn't big but it was something.

If only she knew I don't deserve those words. I couldn't stop it from happening. I couldn't save her. I closed the door behind me and walked to the kitchen.
