After that long breakfast with the Deguzs brothers, Maezhei hurriedly left saying that she still needed to do some errands today, even though she had no schedule for today. But she needed to get her things in her condo and do some explaining to her friend. She's sure as hell that she would bombard her with questions so she should be ready for that.

And she's right! Because right after she enter their condo, she saw Kath casually sitting on the sofa while sipping on her mug.

"Explain," Kath immediately said, not even glancing at her. She's looking at the turned off TV in front of her.

Tsk. I knew it! She's waiting for me!

"Can I enter first, remove my shoes, wear my slippers, and sit on the sofa?" she said sarcastically, then rolled her eyes to her.

Kath stood up then went closer to her, then suddenly grabbed her wrist and forced her to sit on the sofa, "Now, tell me. How did you end up in the Platinum Residence? Did you really sleep with Zake Deguzs?"