
Twenty seven

Chapter 27

Sam arrived shortly after which the maids let him in and lead him to my room since it's not the first time his here I got excited seeing him even though it's not uptil a day we met which I still missed him I slowly get up of the bed and hug him making sure I didn't let him notice anything

"Hey gal, you look good" Sam said which I blushed moving away from him to sit

"Don't start now Sam you know I always look good no matter what" I defended

"Yeah I know that but you seem different today, what's the secret? Tell me?"he said teasingly which I covered my face with my hand laughing quietly

"Stop that Sam, you're making me shy" I said not removing my hand from my face

"Oh, I can see. So tell me, what happened?" He said in a serious tune

"Well nothing serious" I said and continue "But" I keep quiet

"But what tell me, stop putting me on suspense" he said eager to hear what it is. Sam can be impatient sometime

"I Lost My Virginity" I said quickly

"Lilly, you know I don't get what you said right and I don't like it when you talk fast because you won't hear even a word" he complained

"I lost my virginity" I said as if it's the first time I'm having sex even though deep down I knw it's not

"What?" He said, opening his eyes widely, and I laughed at his face. "Are you serious or joking? When , how and where?" He asked all at once which I just laughed at him before speaking up

"Please stop opening your eyes and calm down you're making me shy"

"Like seriously Lilly these not the time to be shy you know" he said rolling his eye "tell me everything in details no part should be omitted" he said

"Well, you're right"

"So how was it?" He asked "Is the size of his dick big, small or medium, tell me. Is it long or short tell me" he said to which I laugh

"Oh Sam you're such a pervert and please stop asking me all this you know I will tell you"

"Alright tell me" he said impatiently

"His dick is damn big and long. I could feel him in my throat. I wished you were there to see it and OMG his so fucking good and hot in bed"

"Woh that's serious but I don't want to see it since you have seen it before me" he said squeezing his face which I laughed

"Did you just see your face now?" I said laughing "you look old" I said laughing holding my stomach

"Lilly" he said which I stop laughing and face him

"Humm" I replied seeing how composed and serious he his

"What's wrong Sam?" I asked seeing him all serious like not looking like someone who just finish joking with me

"Nothing. I'm just happy and worried for you"

"Hummm but why?" I asked

"Because I can see you're happy which have been praying to see a day like this to come"

"Come on Sam. You know I'm always happy whenever am with you"

"I know but this happiness is different from Lilly. You look genuinely happy that it's all over your face, your in love Lilly" he said

"Sam" I shouted his name warning him to stop saying that which he just shrugged "don't say that Sam. I'm not in love and you know his married which I can't have him and moreover I'm just a surrogate mother to him which doesn't mean or implies anything"

"That's why I said I'm worried for you Lilly,knowing he's married to someone else but don't lose hope, have faith in yourself that you can get him. I know what you're feeling for him his genuine so don't run away from what your heart desires just because of something that can't stop you from having it"

"Have heard of Sam and I will try, thank you for always being there for me. I don't know what could have been without you in my life"

"Come on Lilly I will always be there for you no matter what" he said hugging me. We were in that position when the door was open and Charlie walked in. I'm the one facing the door so I saw him when he was coming inside with a smile on his face but immediately he saw Sam back view the smile vanish and get replaced with anger and fury. Sam releases me from the hug and turns to see angry Charlie by the door, which he smiles at me.

"Good day sir" he said but Charlie didn't answer rather he talk to me

"Lilly I want to have a minute with you" he said angrily

"Am all ears"I said not bothering to stand up

"Privately" which I got surprised about to talk when Sam hold my hand which I looked at him and he gives me the sign to say okay

"Okay" I said which he left while I face Sam

"Why will you hold me?" I asked

"Lilly, you should be understanding, he has every right to get pissed off to see a guy in his house without being informed"

"But" I wanted to speak but Sam beat me to it

"Lilly, I can see from his action that his jealous of you. I think he loves you Lily. So go and meet him, I will wait for you" I didn't say anything, just keep staring at him which he nods and smile at me for me to go he will wait behind. I stand up and left him all alone in the room to meet Charlie

I opened the door and entered his office here in the house. He was sitting down on his chair, he turned to face me but I didn't say anything. We were just staring at each other before he broke the silent

"Lilly, who is that?" He asked which I smile and say nice one in my mind seeing how bossy he is

"My friend"

"Your friend?"

"Yes, any problem"I asked

"Of course there's a problem. How can you say he's your friend and I saw you both in that position. Are you normally like that with opposite gender?"

"Excuse me. What are you insinuating?"

"Well it's what I saw that I say because I could vividly remember the last time I saw you in the club you were together with another guy. Is he also your friend?"

"I beg your pardon, if you don't have anything reasonable to say I will take my leave" I said and turn to leave but he was quick enough to get hold of my hand

"Get your filthy hands off me" I shouted trying to get my arm away from him but he is too strong for me "what do you want? Hun you can think whatever you want I don't care and I don't think I owe you any explanation or every single thing about me to you. So let me go these instant" I said barking at him because I I'm angry and annoyed.who did he think he is

"Lilly, calm down. You know you're not in a suitable condition to get angry, it's not good for your health. Am sorry about what I said. I don't know what came over me, I'm just jealous to see you in another's man arms not my own that why" he confess

"And why should you be jealous?" I asked which he keep mute "we are nothing and I have nothing to do with you" I said pointing between him and me, so he could get the message clearly

"We are Lilly, trust me"

"No, I don't think so. We just had sex together that's all nothing more"

"Don't say that Lilly you're hurting me by saying it's just a sex which you know it's more than that"

"Then what is it, because the last time I check that what we are just sex buddies"

"I love you Lilly. Yes I do" he said and I stop trying to get my arms away from his grip. Did he just say he loves me or am I hallucinating. I think he is joking or high it's unbelievable I said in my mind

"Am serious lilly, I love you with all my heart"

"B..bu...but" I could not form a correct sentence

"No but Lilly. Have been keeping an eye on you, not now not today it's been long. Since you were in your summer year. Trust me Lilly" he said which I don't understand what he's saying he has been following me about without me knowing and here I'm thinking I'm the only one crushing and loving him in secret. These is too much for me to take in,so I did what came to my mind

"Sorry, I have to go" I said rather too fast for him to hear it. I remove his hand from my arm and dash out of the room to call Sam. I needed fresh air, I felt suffocated.

"Sam let's go" I said immediately I barge into the room

"Lilly what happened?" He asked which I responded

"Not now Sam. Let's get out of here right now" i said, which Sam didn't say anything again and follow suit

We arrived at Sam place and I sat down on the bed holding my head.

"No, it's a lie, it can't be true" I said but not knowing i said it out, Sam called my name

"Lilly, what happened?. What a lie?" Sam asked, looking worried. I sighed and look at him before I talked

"Nothing serious"

"Don't get started Lilly. Tell me what's wrong. I can't take nothing as an answer so tell me" I have nothing else to do than to tell him so I did. I told him everything which he didn't interfere for once when I'm talking. He just listened to me attentively, which I appreciated because that is what I needed. When I finish narrating everything to him, he come closer to me and engulfed me in a hug

"It's okay Lilly. It's okay if you don't believe him now. I know you will someday, I know what you're feeling now. It's difficult to believe it when your crush turns out to love you in return. But I want you to keep calm and think carefully, any decision you make will be okay by me" Sam said calmly

"Thank you Sam"

"Shuuuu it's okay. I think you need to rest, today has been a stressful and hectic day for you. Rest so that it won't take a toil on you" I nod my head and lay down quietly on the bed thinking about what Charlie just said which I think I'm dreaming but I'm not because he said it loud and clear without hesitating or looking away from me. How can that be possible since when did he start loving me? I can only get the answer from him but not right now because I don't want to see or be close to him right now. I need to clear my head before asking him when all of it started. That means he knows me even before I became a surrogate for him. Sam left the room for me which I appreciated because I can't stand not to break down in front of him if he's here with me. I know he will call Mia to come over but I don't want to see any of them now so I walked to the door and locked it from inside so no one could come in and walked back to lay on the bed. I wanted to sleep but my eyes were too heavy to be close because of thinking too much I sighed and adjusted my sleeping position and close my eyes waiting for miracle to happen
