"But, Lam," Lala is now holding my hand. She's being serious, and I know that. "Mrs Marita and Mr Hamdan are going to expel Ricky from school. I heard that earlier from Aldi, who finished a basketball match. I know you don't love Ricky. But at least you can, right? Help him? Think of him as your friend who needs your help."

"Why do you care? Why should I care? Do you think Ricky will listen to what I have to say? No, La."

"What's wrong with trying, Lam? Don't you feel sorry for him? He's just a victim."

"Since when do you like defending him?"

"Since he became your boyfriend!" I could only be silent when Lala ruffled her hair. I've decided not to deal with him. And that's a decision I will never revoke. "You don't know who helped Genta and me choose the package book first? You don't know either, do you, who BBMin' me and Genta at night to ask where you were when you disappeared when your computer broke down, you ---"

"So ---"

"Yes! He kept asking Genta and me. If you don't believe me, you can ask Genta. And finally, yes. You don't know, why did he make you his girlfriend? Because he wants to protect you from children who usually only take advantage of you. Understand, Lam?!"

I stumbled as Lala pushed my body. My path, which was weak at first, gradually grew faster and more robust. Now it has become a small run to find that figure. I know Ricky was beside the basketball court with his friends. I'm sure he's still there. But, once I was there. Everything is gone. Even Ricky's tracks seemed to have disappeared. Maybe he's still at the Ujang and Lela stalls. I immediately followed there. But the result is the same, Ricky and his friends are not there.

My heart is beating wildly. I'm afraid that Ricky will fight Harapan Bangsa's students. I'm worried something happened to him.

"Mr Sucipto... Do you know where Ricky and his friends went?" I asked after walking down the school corridor. Pak Sucipto, my school's security guard, happened to be delivering a letter to the principal. I could see it from the brown folder in his hand.

"There they are. They are at the school gate. He said he wanted to take Rendy. He's sick."

"Thank you, sir!" I shouted, half running towards the school gates.

It is true. There, Ricky and his friends. I mean, the gang is ready on their bikes. Sounds the noisy motor in a way that is not chaotic. They wear red bandanas on their heads while carrying a black flag with a white skull. Meanwhile, Ricky, who was in the front, seemed to be the gang leader. Looks calm on the big motorbike.

"Ricky!!" I shouted with all my might. However, I'm not sure who can hear my voice.

I quickly slipped between the gaps to be in front, right in front of Ricky. So that he could see where I was, it didn't take long. I was finally there. At the same time, I was stretching out my hands, standing right in front of him.

Meanwhile, he was silent. With that cold gaze, as if he didn't want to look at me. Now and then, he turned his face away and then looked back at me with a look of disapproval.

"Please do not go!" I shouted.

Stupid! I shouldn't have done that...

I know it's a free thing. But forbidding Ricky to go was the same as hoping the moon would fall into his lap. Because... impossible.

"Please... don't go into fights, Rick! I don't want you to be expelled from school!" I said again. I bowed my head sincerely because my guts had shrunk when I received his cold stare.

"Hey, weird girl! Go there you! Don't hurt your eyes!"

"You lion girl! Do you think Ricky will follow you, don't you?!"

"Crazy girl! You and Ricky are begging! Poor thing!"

"Ssssst!" cried Ricky. I lifted my face, and he raised his hand as if to instruct his friends to be quiet. He smirked then got out of the car. They walked towards me then stopped right in front of me.

I looked down again because I was afraid of him. But, honestly, I don't know. Yesterday what demon possessed me because I was able to dare him.

"I'll do what you say, as long as you accept my terms," he said. I looked down again at his white sneakers swallowed up by his grey pants.

He pulled a few strands of my hair then kissed it. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to wash my hair this morning.

"W....what?" I asked timidly.

"Kiss my lips."

Spontaneously I looked at his face. He returned my gaze with cold and sharp regard. I swallowed my dry saliva many times. I don't know, and I have to answer Ricky's conditions.