24 -B

"What's more?" I asked curiously when Lala cut him off.

"In the past, he used to beat everyone at school. Now... that's not the case, right?"

Maybe just a coincidence.

"Yeah, let's look at that... it's too bad he doesn't smoke. What's wrong with him? Did you hypnotize him?" I shook my head when Genta asked like that. I swear I don't feel like I hypnotized Ricky. Even if Ricky's changes are more optimistic, it was because of him, not me.

"So... let's talk about you guys," I said, changing the subject since Genta's confession that he and Lala have been dating. I haven't had time to ask them any questions. Even though... they've done things in front of me. I mean... today's child dating style. Especially the rich kids from the city, you can guess for yourself. Like what without I need to explain in detail.

"So when are you guys PDKT? How come I don't know?"

"How do you know. You only know books."

"It's true what Genta said. Even though... Genta said he often confides with you about my problems. But you take it easy." Lala puffed her cheeks. That's a sign if she's mad at me right now.

Where? I never knew if Genta often talked to me about Lala? His most essential remarks were; when he asked me to give Lala an answer note about Lala's number, which is rarely active. The rest just strange complaints that he said he was in love with a girl and confused about how to shoot the girl. Oh, God! I just understood if the girl in question is Lala. My friend.

"Oh... so it's like that," I muttered, realizing where I had gone wrong. I am an insensitive friend. How can I not know the feelings of these two friends of mine?

"I'm sorry?" they both hugged me, nodding. I feel like a bad friend. When my friends understand me, I'm the opposite. I suck when it comes to love. Because love... is not my field.

"Oh yeah... by the way, we have a present for you. Special!" both shouted.

They immediately dragged me back to class after paying for our food order. What? I'm interested in the so-called 'special' gift.

I sat on my bench. The two of them took something out of Genta's backpack. It's a box shape, and it's very foreign to me.

"This! I'm sure you'll like it!" shouted Lala.

"This is Lala's idea... I want to say it," added Genta with a face that is not so sure.

"What's this?" I asked again, more confused. How come I feel this is a bad thing for me.

"Hair straightener and hair straightener, Nilam! You're not single anymore, so you have to dress up a little. Do you know who Ricky is? He's the black prince at our school. So... what's wrong if you look a little more beautiful."

"So... you think my curls are ugly? These, aren't they... these are just really really curls."

"It's not bad, dear Nilam... it's just that. Your natural hair is beautiful, and the model is old. Now... it's time for straight hair like Korean artists. So... wear it? It's also for your good. We too. If we force you to go to the salon, we won't want to because Aunt Rosi will look for you. This is the alternative, after all... all the steps for using it are there. Complete!"


"You don't have to be shy. We're sincere, really." but why yes, I have a bad feeling about this.