32 -D

"Ricky! Papa has lost enough, Raka! Papa doesn't want to lose you! Do you understand that?!"

"No! If you don't want to lose... why do you have to cheat on Mama? What's wrong with Mama? Huh! Mama is at home every day taking care of her family, taking care of you! In fact... Mama is willing not to sleep to wait for you to come home during overtime. But, in reality? All of Mama's sacrifices were in vain! Elo made Mama leave me! Why did Mama choose Raka? Why didn't Mama choose me!" silent. Everyone was quiet, hearing Ricky's anger. Even... the maids who were there were sobbing. I know how much they love their master's son. And... I also know how much pain Ricky has suffered so far.

Ricky... lost not only his Mama figure but also his siblings. Ricky lost his father figure. Papa, for a boy, is his hero. Papa, who is primarily a boy, has always been a figure he wants to emulate in the future when he grows up. But Papa Ricky?

Ricky looked down, and he rubbed his face roughly. Then grabbed the bag that was on the chair. He walked away, throwing away all the photos belonging to his Papa and his new wife. Then put back his old family photo. When he, Mama, Papa, and Brother smile in that photo. When complete happiness, he still feels first. Ricky... wants his family back. Ricky... wants to be a happy kid like the others. He has a complete family who loves him so much. Having parents who can hear all her complaints. Yes, he is... Ricky.

"Lam... let's not go back."

I nodded after wiping the tears that trickled down my cheeks.

"Om... Aunt... Patchouli says goodbye first." goodbye. Then they ran after Ricky's footsteps wide.

After leaving the house, I quickly ran and hugged him from behind. I know more than anyone... that right now, she's fragile. I know more than anyone... that right now, all he needs is support. Even though all I could do was hug him. I hope this eases a little bit of the burden on his heart. Even though all I gave was a hug, I hope he will share the responsibility in his life.

"Cry... in my arms, Rick..." Ricky is still silent. Slowly I circled him. He looked down with a sad look. I held his handsome face with my tiny hands, looking at his eyes that looked so hurt. "Guys don't always stand up when there's a problem, right? It's natural for a guy to cry. It doesn't mean he's a crybaby, and it just means he's human. So... cry if you want to cry, Rick." I said again. Now I hug him from the front. He hugged me back. I rubbed his shaking back. I know... even though Ricky has been crying silently.