34 B

"You didn't see it yesterday. Aldi is usually the destroyer. Every time Ricky wants to press the bell, it's taken over by Aldi first. In the end, the two of them are busy fighting over the bell instead of answering questions from Mila." Lala's story is hysterical. Right now..., Lala and Genta are sitting at the back of the second-class building. Because at three o'clock in the afternoon the prize distribution event will start.

"Yes, that's right! And cooking, it's an easy question... Aldi can't answer! In fact, right... the kids say he's smart. He often participates in the Olympics. I'm sure he did it on purpose to make our school lose!" now, Genta spoke while feeding Lala the snack in his hand.

"Then, at the end, who won?"

"Stay with Ricky's team, of course! No matter how great the opposing team is, Ricky can beat them. In fact... there are some problems that the stronghold against and the other kids can't. Ricky can do it in a short time. Great, right! What are you eating, guys? You, Lam? How smart is that? Try not to be a badass, and I'm sure he can join the acceleration class."

Genta nodded firmly when Lala said that. While me? Yes... I couldn't help but smile bitterly hearing those words from Lala. Honestly... Ricky's comments last night managed to ruin my mood.

"Hey! What are you doing? Can I join?!" I was immediately embarrassed when Arya, waving his hand, ran towards us.

It's nothing. I don't want Ricky to misunderstand like yesterday and do something terrible again. I don't want this ex-friend relationship to be wrong because of me.

"It's okay, Bro! Just relax! Here the girls are talking about their bra size!" said Genta, which was annoying.

"GENTA!!" I shouted and Lala together while pinching her ears.

Indeed, it is no longer a secret. If Genta becomes my shopping friend, Lala also chooses girl's equipment. Because in our opinion, Genta is the right advisor. Just look, a pile of my underwear was Lala. Almost all of Genta chose.

"Seriously? Do you know what Nilam's chest size is?" Arya asked excitedly, and she sat beside me. I tried to inch away, but he held me back.

"Of course I know, Genta!"

"GENTA!!!" I growled and Lala again.

"It's you, huh. Cooking your own best friend's secret, you're revealing, honey!" angry Lala. Genta smirked while holding up the letter 'V' in both hands.

"I'm sorry, honey, I won't repeat it... really!" now, it was my turn and Arya's turn to look like throwing up.

"Where were you yesterday?" Arya asked, ignoring Lala and Genta, who was now engrossed in being intimate.

"Me? A police ticket."

"How come I see that you are escorted home by Ricky in Uncle Irawan's car?" I was silent for a moment. Arya also knows uncle Irawan. But... how did he know I was driving Ricky home?

"How do you know?" I asked. He smiled widely, then looked at me with his chin on his back.

"I'm Nilam's eternal stalker," he answered. I looked down, embarrassed too if someone said that. Moreover, the boy is famous in his school.

"Don't bother the girls!" my body staggered when Ricky interceded for me, too, Arya. He sat between us and then grabbed the snack in Lala's hand.

"You're terrible luck! Just annoy the falling in love people!" Arya grumbled. Ricky just glanced at him coldly, without replying to Arya's words.

"Nilam, our love is like a triangle, yes. I love you, and you love him!" I smiled at those words. And by the way, Ricky doesn't play hands. Even... hearing Arya's chatter, which was exactly like a child, Ricky was silent.

"You guys want to eat cake together at home, don't you?" I offered. Lala and Genta were overjoyed. The two nodded without thinking.

"I want!!" shouted Lala and Genta at the same time.

"As well as working on a paper from Mrs. Marita, huh!" added Genta excitedly.

"Me too!!" now it was Arya's turn to answer, holding his hands up high. Ricky pulled Arya's hand down then he looked at Arya colder than before.

"You weren't invited. You're not from the same school as us," he said curtly.

"But Nilam can. Yes, right... Lam? I can come, can't I?" I looked at Ricky, who took a deep breath while eating his snack. It's okay, right... if I take Arya with me. At least with this, the two former friends can get along again.

"Yeah, you can come along," I answered. Because indeed, my purpose in inviting them is. So that Ricky and Arya can be together.

"You're coming, aren't you?" asked Genta to Ricky. I looked at Ricky, wondering whether he wanted to come or not.

"Without being asked, I'll come. I'm Nilam's future husband," he answered. I blushed at Ricky's words. Even though he sounded indifferent, those words were enough to make me blush. Even for a moment, I can forget Ricky's past love problems.