37 -A

"So... there's that too?" I asked. Both nodded vigorously.

"When you're at your house, we want to tell you a story. Ricky and Arya are also interrogated. But, it doesn't happen because of the many incidents, right." that is true. In fact, originally my plan was to invite Ricky and Arya to unite them. However, their relationship only got worse.

"Nilam! I can talk to you alone!" I looked at the door. Arya is already there, what are you doing here? Isn't it over already? Or is there something that makes the student council president of Harapan Bangsa High School in an enemy school?

I glanced at Genta and Lala, both seemed to be signaling for me to quickly meet Arya. Doubt... I came there, though I was worried. If Ricky would misunderstand, and Ricky would get mad at me.

"What is it, Arya?"