40 -B

"That's it, Ricky . . . come on ahead. I'm going to give you a quiz now."

"But, I haven't studied, Mr!"

"It's okay, here!"

After putting down his bag and taking off his jacket, Ricky stepped forward. Only with Mr. Ilyas and Mr. Mahmud Ricky can be this tame. If it's with other teachers, don't expect Ricky to heed their orders.

"Do it, okay..." said Mr. Ilyas, after writing a question for Ricky.

I almost screamed in surprise when I saw the question Mr. Ilyas had given to Ricky. In fact, the formula is not in the textbook I am holding. What is the second-semester question? Or even, third-grade questions?

"Yes, Mr... it's hard!" Ricky complained. I just found out, if he can act spoiled like that. Ricky's uniform was unbuttoned, even the white monkey shirt was clearly visible. His left hand was tucked in his gray trouser pocket, while he stood with one leg half bent. Really so relaxed, as if not dealing with Master.