55 -A

Again, I always thought far away, rejecting all things that happened that might be part of fate. But somehow I thought that if, if only everyone could put in a little more effort, surely no one would die in vain, that's what I'm thinking right now.

"What do you mean, Lan? Speak clearly!" angry Randy. He grabbed Olan's T-shirt who was lying on the floor. And I know now if Rendy, even with Olan's words which I think are as clear as this, he still evades and refuses with all the facts, Rendy seems to refuse, he seems to not care about what happened and he doesn't want to know, and as a friend who has been with Mondy for a long time, I think I also understand what Rendy is doing now, it's not that he rejects Olan's words, it's just that he wants to reject the fact that one of his friends has gone forever.