73 -B

"Yeah, Ar. Where have you been? Where's Ricky? Do you know where Ricky is?" I probed. Because somehow I felt that if Arya knew something, it was clear that Arya had also disappeared earlier and it seemed that Arya was the only person who could explain where Ricky was now.

Arya's voice on the other end was silent for a moment. Looks like he's doing something I don't know. I pulled an eyebrow because I felt that what Arya said might be the most annoying answer in the world.

"Oh, Ricky... yes, it's me. I was told to call you. The thing is he... he's driving. All right, wait there for a moment. Ricky and I are there OTW."

And the phone was immediately hung up. I was silent looking at my cellphone screen so stupidly, I don't know why Arya's answer sounded weird, her tone sounded breathless and she didn't seem to believe at all even with herself I returned silently for a moment then I took a deep breath.