74 -B

This morning Arya took me to the police station. Because after the Ricky incident, Bondan and Alex were arrested because they were proven to be suspects in the Ricky murder case. Of course, with his minions too. While the news is that Uncle Doddy died in an accident when he was about to pick up Alex, who was fighting at the time. The car suddenly exploded. And whether by chance, or not, I really don't know. What is clear, a piece of my heart is satisfied to hear the sad news.

And now I'm sitting face to face with two of the cruelest humans in the world. Humans who do not understand what the true meaning of humans. A petty, vengeful human. Truly the kind of human that I really hate in this world.

"What are you doing here? I'm already in prison, right? Are you still not—"


Bondan's words stopped when my hand slapped him very hard. It's so strong that it's hot, so strong that I hope that this slap of mine can take his life right now.