82 -B

Arya just snorted, then she punched Ricky's shoulder then they both chuckled and looked back at the front. "I actually miss you too, Ar. After all, you're the first friend I had after whatever it was, from childhood we've been together, we've been naughty together, and have gone through all the bitterness together, so how can I not miss you? And during all the things that have happened now, I feel like I can't hold back everything, hold back all the feelings that I have for you."

  "I'm disgusted!" snorted Arya, Ricky chuckled again. And I saw that I even laughed about it, never once did I finally see Ricky and Arya reunited like this. united in the sense that they have changed and are no longer acting annoying, united in the sense that they are no longer like cats and mice. They were both in good condition and not being noisy at all, a new achievement for sure and I was very happy to see it appear in front of my eyes.