91 -B

Our words immediately stopped, right when we saw Ms. Rena walking and looking at us with that distasteful look. I don't know why I feel that it is most likely that Sis Rena knows that we are talking about her, even though we are not trying to show it at all and our words are not loud and not flashy. Or was it because Lala and I had seen Kak Rena in front of the bathroom, that's why she felt so uncomfortable with Lala and me? I don't know, it's just that I really feel that Sis Rena really doesn't like me from now on and I would never have imagined that her anger would be hidden so clearly.

To be honest, I really wanted to approach Sis Rena, then I told her that we weren't trying to disgrace her or anything, but how else could I not know her and if I did that wouldn't it be really bad for everyone? I don't want to, really, I don't want Sis Rena to think about us.