He stretches his neck because he feels his neck stiffen because of his earlier position.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he asked, smiling at Yule. She nodded and couldn't take her gaze away from the book.

"We should go there," he said and Yule looked at him.

"I don't have time for that," she responded, handing the book back to Eli. "I wanted to go too. but Let's have some fun after we graduate and have a secure career."

Eli nodded, indicating that he knew what she meant. "Then I'll simply read it for you now, so pay attention."


The Sacred Place of Pella

Pella is a forest spirit who dwells in the woods. She is the soul of nature, but her actual home was named 'Blue Field' since it is so lovely you'll see a gorgeous wide field with small blue flowers sprinkled throughout.