
lorence pov:

I stay with my cousin Rowen. I basically hate to live in my house because I don't want to wake up to my parents fighting and when I come in, they keep fighting they forget I live there too.

can someone tie them up, can't they be are silent do this somewhere else, 'sigh'.

well kind of used to it. they act as a perfect couple when we are outside but no one knows what happens behind the curtain. 'love' I don't know if they like each other, to start with their marriage, it was decided by their grandfather.

I have everything I asked except for someone to share my loneliness. I try my best so people around me can like me I think it's just like the play that parents do.

when my cousin moved back here after staying many years aboard with his family. his family is still aboard, he will be here for some time. he lives alone so, I took the chance to stay with my cousin. he is fine with it. I go to school early before rowen wakes up, anyways he is not home, he is mostly outside and returns late. yeah, clubbing, etc.

I go to a game cafe. I came to know some buddies from college here near. I did get some info about them, I was famous in college so it was an easy task for me, I just asked some girls about them. so, the pink one is called 'kai' and the purple one is called 'miles'.

I reached home threw my bag to the side of the bed, went to the washroom, wash my face look myself in the mirror. 'im quite handsome' I throw myself into bed. when I heard some sound I looked through the window. 'oh it's them!'

I will see them tomorrow now I'm gonna sleep. stretch my muscles 'yawn'

'what should I do? should, I annoy him or .. hmm? hehe! it's going to be fun ...

(a/n: oh no, the wolf has spotted the rabbit T.T)

next day,

I wonder if they colour their hair or is it natural, I quite like the pink one, he reminds me of a rabbit 'hehe' wow the thought of him makes me feel something, what is it. we both share a class together, right now I'm staring at him.

kai writing notes* feels like someone is staring at him,

looks around no clue, 'who is it!?'

my poor bo! I'm sitting in the last row he looks kinda annoyed wondering who is staring at him now! 'hehe'. class is boring and now it ended. I went near sean's table, purposely dropped my id from my back pocket.

I went outside the classroom but was now stuck between a group of people asking me this and that 'sigh'

kai pov:

'omg, we're in the same class, wait he dropped his id!' kai picked the id, followed the person who went outside the class.

'hmm .. he is busy talking with them, how can I give this to him?' kai looked at lorence standing not so far away from him.


"hey coming with us to the canteen!" miles came with Ricky

"are class got over now! hey! are you listening??? " Ricky asked but still no reply, kai is still looking somewhere.

"hey?" miles pinch kai's cheek lightly "ouch! I'm coming," kai said to miles with a pout.

"Hey guys, I want to give this to him, he dropped it in the class!" kai said

"who?" Ricky asked,

miles took a peek at the id, was shook "huh, wait isn't it Lorence's!" "if you don't want to give I will give it!" kai gave the id to miles.