Chapter 13: Pink Lips

Daisy's mind went blank and all she could think of was the man in front of her and his presence that was so demanding. She had never been so close to him before, or to any man! What on earth was he doing, she thought.

Roy caught the change in Daisy's breathing. Seeing how shy she was to have him in her space, a smile graced his lips. She was so lovely, so damned lovely. Now as she stood before him in her thin white frock, hair down and untied, he was finding it hard to resist the temptation of being even closer.

His eyes then fell on her lips, her pretty pink lips, he thought. His fingers that were tracing her jaw slowly made their way to her small mouth and he ran his thumb over her bottom lip. This earned a fluttery gasp from her and he could no longer hold himself back.

"S-Sir-" she breathed as she felt him wrap an arm around her waist firmly, bringing her flush against his chest. His other hand that was caressing her lower lip then moved to her chin, making her face him. He started down at her big, blue eyes that were staring back at him, wide and confused.

Suddenly his mouth was then on hers, at first, very gently he pressed onto her soft lips. Her eyes closed instantly and her hands found their way to his upper arms. His mouth slowly moved against hers, savoring the feel of them and her warmth, the way her breathing quickened every time he moved.

Daisy's heartbeat had skyrocketed. Never would she thought, in her wildest dreams that she would be in such a situation with Roy. He was holding her, his arm keeping her so close that she could smell his scent envelope her. His chest was hard, but not uncomfortably so. The idea of being able to feel him against her where her frock was a single layer of cloth made her lose herself even more.

Roy did not know what made him do it, but it would be a lie to say that he regretted this, the way her soft sighs left her lips as he tasted her softly, gently. The way her nails dug into his biceps and her knees slightly gave way. She was breathtaking and he wanted more of her.

He broke the kiss and gazed down at her as she caught her breath, staring back at him. She felt her entire body burn with a desire that she never knew she could feel.

"Roy, what are you doing?" she barely whispered, forgetting the formalities as she looked into his forest green gaze that seemed to suck her in. Her hands still gripped onto him securely.

"If it was not obvious enough, Daisy, I like you very much. So much that every time you sneak glances at me, and you hold such an endearing expression, I can not seem to stop myself from wondering what you would feel like, taste like, how you would sound moaning my name. I end up wanting to know so very terribly, love."

Daisy blushed furiously at his words. He knows! He knows, she shouted internally. Her previously dazed eyes widened in shock and embarrassment, she then tore her gaze away from his heated one and stumbled, "What nonsense are you speaking, Sir?". She tried to pull away from him but he then pulled her closer.

"Do not pretend with me, lovely girl," he said after lowering his head further and speaking into the shell of her ear. "I must go now, but I will come to see you again here unless you would like to meet me in my room?" he asked mischievously.

"You know I can not be roaming the mansion in the late hours of the night-"

"Then it is settled, I will be meeting you here." he cut her off with a dashing smile.

He then pecked her cheek lightly before slowly releasing her from his hold, all the while not looking away from her. Finally, with some distance now between them, she looked up at him shyly. The candlelight flickered over their silhouettes as they stood for a few seconds, facing each other. Daisy was in disbelief, feeling as if she was in a dream, a dream that she had dreamt a few times after falling asleep thinking of the man that stayed on her mind and in her heart for all these years. He was now in front of her, no longer in a dream but in reality.

"Sleep well, Daisy," he said to her before opening the door and shutting it softly, leaving her once again alone in her little room with a whirlwind of emotions and a fluttering heartbeat.

She placed her hand on her chest as she went to lean against the closed door. What had just happened? She asked herself as a grin slowly spread itself across her flushed face.