Chapter 15: The Letter

"Yes, she came to invite me for tea at the Green's residence," answered Rose as she watched him lazily pull on the cigar once more. He then shifted his gaze to her and Rose wondered if his eyes were dark brown or simply black.

"But you don't want to go." He said and Rose's eyes widened slightly.

"It would be rude to decline when she had come all this way to-" she started to ramble.

"So you would drag me out of a soiree that you did not enjoy but would suffer an afternoon filled with gossiping women pretending to tolerate each other over tea?"

Her mouth opened and close like a fish. Is that what it looks like to him, she asked herself. Breathing out an irritated sigh she said, "It cannot be as bad as that soiree. It was horrible."

She watched him ash the cigar over the railing into the grass, all the while still keeping his gaze on her.

He tilted his head to the side as if contemplating what she meant.

"I don't know what you mean Miss Woods," He said with a slight smile that reminded her of how her teased her last night, "It was most definitely an enjoyable evening."

Rose was shocked at his shamelessness and this time she couldn't help but glare at the man!

As if enjoying her plight, Dre's smirk grew slowly showing his perfect teeth. For a second, her anger simmered down and she wondered how a person like him could have such a perfect smile. Realising her train of thought, she broke their eye contact that seemed to have been going on for far too long.

Struggling to come up with a response, her fists clenched before she turned back to look at him but before she could retort, he said, "Well I would love to stand here for the rest of my day off and continue worrying you Miss Woods, but I will be taking my leave."

Rose watched his retreating back as he left. Even the DeAndre Rickhorn needs a day off I supposed, thought Rose. He was right though, did she really have to follow through with the invitation? The woman probably wants to use her to her advantage.

Also making her way back inside, she met the butler on the way who held out a letter for her. "Lady Woods, a letter has arrived for you." said Tufan as he handed her the letter.

Looking at the neatly folded parchment, Rose's brows furrowed in thought. She wasn't so well acquainted with anyone from here thathey would bother to send her a letter, unless it was from her parents.

Deciding to take a stroll in the garden as she read the letter, Rose walked down the stairs and to the spot where she spent her time reading books the last time she was in the garden. Once she arrived at the gazebo, she sat down and unsealed the wax stamp.

The letter read:

"Dear Miss Woods,

I hope this finds you in good health.

Regarding our encounter at my office, I would like to inform you of my decision.

As you know, I do not take on any apprentices and do not partake in mentorships. All this I had explained to you as this is how I have been conducting my work all my years. But after some consideration and thought, I have decided that it is time for me to make some changes in my work. Having someone to mentor and teach can also allow for growth in me as a physician as well as create opportunities for others. In this case, you Miss Woods.

I hope that I have not dampened your resolve and dream of pursuing this career as I hope to here a positive response from you soon.

Regards, Dr Ganie."

Roses heart was racing and she couldn't help the smile that spread across her face as well as the giddiness that took over. "He will be my mentor! Goodness!" she exclaimed and ran back into the mansion up to her chambers as she could not wait to reply to the letter as well as send another to her parents where they are in the Eastern countries to let them know.

On her way up the stairs she passed Dre and Tufan who was handing the young master his letters. They both watched the young lady happily race up the stairs with her open letter in her hand.

"I take it that she has received the letter from Ganie?" asked Dre.

"Yes, Master Dre." Tufan answered. They both heard the woman squeal before shutting the room to her chambers.