Chapter 17: Sabotage of The Witch

It didn't take long for the other ladies to arrive. Rose tried hard to remember the names of the other five women who had joined but found it rather difficult. She kept thinking, 'I want to leave…'

Not only were they indirectly rude and condescending, but they looked at her strangely. She could already tell that they knew of her being from the countryside. The women in the room were all of prestige lineage. Lady Brigotte was the daughter of a judge in the kings court. Vanessa, the one who allegedly visits the red district, is the daughter of the kings first cousin who apparently owns five casinos in the city of Kantor.

The other women had family of similar background, and then there was Rose. Rosette Woods, daughter of a businessman in the countryside.

This didn't set well with the some of the women like Marceline. In high society, you either acquaint yourself with those of equal status to you or higher. This woman, thought Marceline, was a peasant. What was Elizabeth thinking of bringing her here?

Rose could feel the hostility rolling off the ladies as they chatted in the garden where the tea and other refreshments were served.

"He then bought me the blue gown that had sapphires encrusted onto the neckline," said one of the woman with long dark hair. "However, that was not enough to turn my mood."

"Of course not, I would have not excepted such a mediocre gift," responded another while she fanned herself with a paper fan in one had and held a delicate biscuit in the other. "A diamond choker set would suffice and no less."

"Why do you even see that mongrel." said Lady Brigotte to the woman with dark hair. "He is not even trying that hard. Does he really like you?"

The dark haired lady looked embarrassed but then quickly schooled her expression. "Obviously I am just passing time. Father will be arranging a husband for me soon and he has told that it is quite a catch." stated the lady with pride.

"That sounds lovely, Emelia. If your father says so, then he must be quite an agreeable bachelor that he has in mind." praised Lady Green.

Rose noted that the entire time, it was Lady Green who was the most neutral in the group of women. It seems high society is different compared to what she thought. They are all just trying to compete with each other, thought Rose.

"Excuse me ladies, I'll be visiting the powder room." said Vanessa as she elegantly removed herself from the table.

As soon as she was out of hearing range, one by one, they started.

"Lady Green, is it true about Vanessa? Has she been at it again in the red district?"

"The audacity to show her face in public. What a wench."

"To think the two of you are close, you both couldn't be more different."

Rose was shocked. It seems there was no bounds for these women when it came to shaming others.

"Now, now. Vanessa is family, you all know that. How could I not invite her?" said Lady Green with a saddened expression.

"Oh, you are too lenient. I would never allow that filth to enter my home." said Marceline and Rose could not help but see her as a big walking bruise that kept bothering a person.

Yes, Vanessa was seemingly promiscuous and crude with her words but not once did she hear the woman say a bad thing about someone else while everyone else kept gossiping about this or that.

Rosette tried her best to drone out the nonsense and enjoy the treats that were laid out on the table. While she bit into a pecan tart, Vanessa had returned and so ceased the discussion about the lady at the table.

Lady Green then cleared her throat and suggested that they all go for a short walk after having their refreshments.

Rose hardly spoke at all and she prefered it that way. There was no way that she could be on the same level of understanding as these elite city women, especially with the way they treat one another. However, Roses peace was short lived when one of the woman who wore a dazzling purple dress asked Rose, "Lady Woods, how has your stay been in the Rickhorn mansion? I've heard that the Rickhorns do not shy away from extensively decorating the rooms."

Holding back a sigh at the mention of the Rickhorns yet again, Rose gave the lady a soft smile, "My stay has been very comfortable. I was told by the servants that it is the lady of the house who is to thank for its splendour."

"It is true, Mrs Rickhorn is quite talented with designing and such. Not to mention, she hosts the most magnificent balls in Kantor." said another young lady excitedly. This intrigued Rose as she hardly heard much of the mansion's lady. Most of the time, people would rather speak about Dre.

Thanks to the young lady's statement, Rose was able to avoid any further conversation on her part as she listened to the women babble about Mrs Rickhorns parties and the ball she had organized in the passing years.

Finally it was time for the ladies to leave Lady Greens company. The butler came to call Rose from the garden where they enjoyed the afternoon sun.

"Lady Woods, Mister Rickhorn has arrived to collect you." said the butler with a bow.

The women seated suddenly were all ears and couldn't help but look at the country girl curiously. From where they sat, they were able to see the carriage that stopped just outside the entrance of the mansion not too far from them.

"Oh look at you, Lady Woods. Dre has come to fetch you himself! How lucky you must be." exclaimed Lady Woods.

"No, no. It is only because the carriages have been sent for maintenance. Else I would ride alone." said Rose as she waved her hand.

"Well then, I bid you farewell. Thank you for your company, Lady Woods." said Lady Green as she stood from her seat to give Rose an airy hug.

"Thank you for having me, Lady Green. I had a lovely time." said Rose, returning the gesture.

Rose then turned to greet the other woman when a falling Marceline collided into her. Luckily, Rose was able to catch her footing quickly. "Pardon me! It seems that I hardly any energy left after this afternoon!" said Marceline not bothering to apologize to the lowly country girl. "Oh, leaving already?" she said, casting a slight glance in Roses directions before walking to her seat.

After giving similar greetings to the other women, Rose made her way across the beautiful lawn to the mains doors of the mansion along with the Greens butler.

Once arriving outside the carriage, she heard the butler stutter, "M-my Lady, your dress!"

Suddenly she felt a slight breeze on one side of her back. Startled, she placed her hand against her left shoulder blade and felt a large tear. Raising her arm slightly higher to feel the degree of the tear, she then heard a ripping sound and she gasped in shock.

"How on earth?" she mumbled to herself. Realizing that the butler's voice might have carried to the garden close by where the women were seated, she glanced in their direction and found that she had all their attention. Lady Green had her hand over her mouth as if shocked, some of the women had their eyebrows raised high. But Rose was focused on the sneer that Marceline wore.

This woman was really out to get her? Thought Rose

Rose was mortified, she should not have come here today. She regretted the entire ordeal.

"What is the matter?" came Dre's irritated voice from inside the carriage.

Rose whisked around, remembering that he was also here. "Um-", she did not know what to say. She had never in her life been in such a situation.

She opened her mouth to give some sort of explanation, but before she could come up with anything, he had already stepped out of the carriage, seemingly impatient that she had made him wait so long.

"Is there a problem, Miss Woods." he asked with a raised eyebrow. She looked up at him with wide eyes. When she didn't respond and looked at him dumbfounded, he noticed her clutching the left side of her dress.

Before Rose could react, Dre had grabbed her shoulders and whisked her around. Her face and neck flushed red with embarrassment.

The next second, she felt something being placed over her shoulders and covering her entire back and arms. Dre had covered her with his coat. Looking at the new article of clothing on her, Rose was too stunned to speak. She was then whisked around to face him.

"Now, let's go home."

The women watched on as Dre jumped into the carriage, followed by Rose before they rode out of the Greens residence.