New Era incoming?

On the other side of the phone, a beautiful blonde was seated in her office signing some documents but the moment she heard her best friend's hoarse, dispirited voice, she immediately jolted out of her seat, rushed out of her office and immediately rushed towards Rose's location.

On her way, she realized that Rose's location was just outside Andrew's office and immediately had a bad feeling about it. She had never liked Andrew to begin with but because her best friend liked him, she didn't have the heart to show her dislike or displeasure.

In just a few minutes Cora got to her location and immediately found her way into her best friend's car. The moment she got into the back seat, a figure immediately pounced on her as she felt tears threatening to spill down her eyes. She looked at her beautiful best friend and felt her heart tighten further. Only she knew how much this girl had gone through. She didn't want to imagine what had happened but she knew she was going to wreck Andrew so damn bad.

"There there love, I'm here for you.." She couldn't help but gently rub her back as she comforted her. Her hand rubbed her back and hair as she whispered sweet nothings to calm down her best friend, whole time her heart was aching real bad.

After some time Rose finally calmed down. She faced her best friend and calmly explained what had happened. The further she went with her explanation the lower the temperature in the car became. Rose looked at her best friend who was trying so hard not to blow due to the immense anger she was feeling. She sighed and looked at the view outside as she let out what has been bothering her.

"Sometimes I feel like fate is toying with me Cora, am I really going to remain unloved both at home and outside? I don't know what having a caring and loving mother feels like and neither do I know how having a faithful man feels like...I... wow... and here everyone envies me, if only they knew..." She let out another sigh as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Rose, we have known each other since the age of ten and to date I still promise to love and take care of you, I know it does not feel the same but I, Cora Aldrich will always try to fill the void, be it parental wise, love wise, in each form, I am here for you. Even if the world turns against you, I will help you throw back the arrows directed at you. I am always here and you are not a weak woman Rose. Chin up my love!"

Cora's words made Rose tear up as the two girls hugged each other so tight that they felt the air leaving their lungs but now was not the moment to worry about that. They conversed a little before Rose ended up sleeping in her arms due to exhausting herself mentally, emotionally and physically. Cora looked at her sleeping sister and quietly found a blanket in the trunk before covering her and taking the wheel. She drove back to her house where she carried Rose to her room and let the girl rest before going to her home office.

The moment she got there her whole aura changed from the sweet caring Cora to a deadly pissed off Cora. She picked up her phone and immediately ordered her assistant for a complete investigation about Andrew and this Abigael girl, alongside everything, from their strength to their weaknesses.

In under one hour, Cora received each and every detail about those bastards and vowed to torment them to the brink of death. Cora sighed as she continued reading what she found and each detail continuously broke her heart. Her heart really ached for Rose. She was not lying when she said that she would do everything for that girl because she really would do anything for her. She knew how much the girl has suffered under her own biological parents and couldn't imagine if her heart would be able to bear it anymore.

Cora had a hunch that after today, Rose was going back to being a cold person, a hundred percent colder than she previously was but she knew there was nothing she could do other than always being there for her and taking revenge for her.

As she was observing Abigael's information, she realized how easy it would be for her to deal with this girl, given she was an actress. A small public trigger and she's done for. Cora smiled as she once again ordered her secretary to give deep into all the dirt surrounding this woman and use the dirt one after the other. As for Andrew she was going to make sure that the man lost from now on. She knew Rose would take her revenge but she won't let her do this on her own.

An incoming call interrupted her thoughts as she turned her head to Rose's purse, took out her phone only to groan angrily when she realized the person calling was Rose's mother. She internally braced herself before picking up the phone.

"Hello auntie, Rose is busy right now but will immediately call back once she is free."

Mrs Katz on the end frowned a bit on hearing a different voice from that of her daughter before rolling her eyes and passing through her intended message. "Anyway, tell that girl not to forget about the handover party in two days time, tell her to make sure she does not shame me!" The woman immediately cut the call making Cora internally thank God.

She knew how much the mother and daughter relationship kept straining every single day and the one who would be hurt every single time was always Rose but this time round, she made up her mind that she doesn't care who she offends but no one is hurting her best friend anymore and she Cora Aldrich was going to make sure of that!