Planet Demaz

We are now in the town of Anore, where the commercial teleporter of the beast planet we are going to is located. We are currently going through some processes as beast portals are restricted to normal civilians.

"All your tokens have been verified and although you guys aren't full-fledged adventurers, your guild is permitted entry into beast planets," A bulky man says as he hands over our token.

I realize that I was also given a token that came along with my robe. The robe also has surprising features. It has self-repair and self-clean features.

The man talking to us right now is among the guards that are in charge of guarding the portals of the beast planets.

There are different types of portals here, some of which are just normal teleporters that only teleport within planet Manov. The public teleporters aren't as guarded as the teleporters to other planets.