The More Think On The Test

there are many other traders.

Whereas with me working as a paid woman, I can earn even bigger and easier money. moreover I've been very well known as the most sexy and satisfying woman. That's enough right? I know I won't be forever young and stay healthy, That's why while I can work. I always work, the money I have earned I will save for the coming year...

I don't know what year I will retire and live in a beautiful place, with people I love and love myself. Talking about love, even at my age, I have never felt the meaning of love. Especially being loved.. I'm too stupid about that, I'm only good at praising in bed.

but never mind, I also don't want to get my hopes up on the uncertainty and wishful thinking of the Void. I just want to live on top of reality, without thinking about other unnecessary things.