Chapter 5: Eva's brother/Knights surprise.

Meanwhile back at the party. "Bain! Bain is back." I need the microphone. "OK here you go." "Hello everyone. I'm glad you all made it to Knights 13th birthday party. I am sure you were all looking forward to it. I'm afraid the star won't be coming back today or any time soon. You are welcome to say or go home. That is all." Zee noticed her uncle was cracking up about ready to cry. "Uncle what is it? what's wrong with Knight?" "When we are alone with your brother I will tell you." "OK sure." Everyone was leaving and they turned off the grill. "Is he all right Bain?" "He will be fine for now." "OK well that's good." "OK Zee come with me. Quinn you might have stress him out they want him to be free of any even a tiny bit." "Oh OK Sure." "Sorry when he comes back You can tell him ok?" "OK sure." "Quinn felt hurt but she understood. One of Bain's friends came over to comfort her. "Thanks Buck. I need this." "Hey you know that kid loves you right?" "I know. I just wish I didn't give that kid stress. I was going to tell him today then this happened." "I know. Like Bain said when he is better he will talk to you ok? When he gets home. Only we don't know when that will be." "Yeah I know."

Back at the hospital. "Hey everyone. Sorry about the party." "Hey its all good man. How are you feeling?" said Zizzy. "Funny because of the medicine. At least I'm not in pain right now." "So what did the docs tell you?" "Oh I'm fine. Once they check me out a few more days and see I'm fine they will send me home." "That's good. See I knew you were going to be ok man." Then we fist bumped. "I guess I was told I don't look like a ghost anymore to uncle an Eva. I am starting to get color back on my face. "Well you are looking better." Said Bain. "Oh when you get out of here we have a surprise for you. After you rest a few days at home when you come home ok?" "Awesome Bain can't wait." "Oh we left your gifts in your room." "Thanks guys. Everyone here that couild come and couldn't come to the hospital. I wish Auntie Quinn could come." "Yes but you know the reason." "I know uncle. I'm kind of regretting not going to the orphanage now. I'm giving you and your wife Grief uncle." "No that's not true. It may seen like it but its not true she understands." "She says that but does she really?" "Sorry guys talking about depressing stuff. I should rest now. You all should go." "OK man we will come back after school tomorrow ok?" "Yeah thanks guys." "OK now that everyone is here that needs to be what is really wrong?" Since Ms. Sun knew the kids since they were babies she was allowed to stay. "Ok you all might want to sit down."

"Is that all right if I tell them?" "Well I didn't want to tell Zee if can help it but she will find out soon enough so we can tell all here." "OK then. It was part of the truth that when Knight was little he was sick because of stress from his mother. It just made the sickeness worse. We though the Vomit from before was because he ate too much than at the party he did again and he didn't eat anything different or over eat so I checked him out and he was tended so I took him here. That is when the doctor finally found the incurable disease. The doctor said he most likely won't make it till his 20's." "No. That can't be true. Brother we have to find dad remember?" "I told you I can only try sis. I can't promise you anything." "Well we better pray we find dad before you get worse." "Yeah I know. I also know if I didn't tell you, You would be even more mad." "Your are right about that." Then we saw Kiran crying but not saying anything. "Kiran this is your first time seeing someone this sick isn't it?" I saw him nod. "It is. I'm sorry Knight. If I could make you feel better and live longer I would. Even if I had to be my clingy self again." "Haha. You know. I actually do miss that side of you. I'm glad you stopped classed though. Uncle what happened with Hugo?" "Oh nothing I am just having people monitor his classes now. Kiran is definitely not going back though." "No certainly. Not." "Oh they do say that if someone isn't around people that much they will go back to being the way they used to be. It could be a myth though." "Well no harm in trying. From now on you are only allowed to hang out with Bain's family and ours got it son?" "Yes mom." "Good. Well I should get going. Get some rest and feel better ok Knight?" "Yeah thanks."

After about 2 months I was able to go home and rest awhile. I was finally in my comfortable bed. I had my writing paper and a board to write on. I wanted to wright some last words or something like a will for my family. But I couldn't do it. So I went to my desk and did my some more of my drawings. I did the last one of the Sun family. I saw a picture which I assumed was him and drew him. Then I drew my girlfriend and wrote about her then I drew my friends teachers and principal. Of course not in one day I would have done then in the next few days. I would draw mom last. "Oh Yeah I haven't drawn dad yet!" So I drew him and wrote about him. I was drawing these as a parting gift for everyone. Every time I got sick as I was growing up I knew the time would come I would have a limited time to live. Now I finally pretty much have a date. In the next few years. Sigh. "Why does God hate me?" Then I heard the door open and saw Bain. "Oh you drew some picture?" "Oh don't play dumb. I know even if no one said anything you read them. But yes. I drew dad and my girlfriend. In a few days I'm going to draw my friends teachers and principal. Even the little lady in the office an the nurse. Everyone who was close to me gets a parting gift." "I see so when you made these you already knew your time was up." "Well I started figuring it out when I was 10. When I started understanding." "I see." "I came to check on you seems you are doing much better. Are you well enough for Auntie Quinn to come in you think?" "Yes please I feel so bad for her." "I know. She knows too." I will go get her." "Thanks uncle."

A few minutes later I saw Quinn Bain and my sister Zee. I was curious I thought Kiran was going to stay for a bit. They saw my confused look. "Hehe they took him back at least until he went back to his usual self. Then they will bring him back." "Oh ok thanks sis. Anyway Auntie. Are you here to tell me the truth now?" "Yes. I wanted to wait but seeing as you might not have that kind of time I had to tell you." "I saw she was nervous." "Hey its ok Auntie. Whatever it is I will still love you ok?" I saw her eyes widen and everyone smiled. "Thank you. I'm not worried about that its what I have to tell you I'm scared about." "OK tell me Auntie what is it?" She took a deep breath and took her time saying. "I am not your mother as you know but there is a reason I look like her and have the vibe as a mother. I am your mothers identical twin sister. The day you talked to me Knight was the night I told him everything. I did have a child. She-She died in my arms. After I gave birth there were some complications with her. They told me she wouldn't live for very long. We even did skin to skin contact. They said it prolonged her life for an hour. It was enough. She got to hear me say I love you. I got to see her smile I got to see her smile. Then that's when she was gone. Her name was Serenity." Then I suddenly started feeling funny. Everyone noticed. "Hey uncle. Something is wrong with me. I feel funny. Funny how good bad scary?" "NO its nothing like that. I feel like I have had a mothers touch. I finally feel loved by a mother." "Its ok it's a normal feeling relax and calm down ok?" "OK let me calm him down you both go on out ok?" "Yes uncle." "Take a deep breath Knight. Your going to be ok." After a few breaths I started calming down. "You ok now Lycan?" "Y-Yeah I think so. Sorry for scaring you uncle sis and Auntie Quinn too." "OK get some rest kiddo." "Ok uncle. Oh you said you have a surprise for me after a few days of rest. What is it?" "It hasn't even been one day you have to wait. Nice try Knight." "Aw man you got me uncle ok I'll try to rest."

Finally after a few days of resting I can finally go back to school. Uncle said he would take me sis and Auntie Quinn over after. Now I can finally trust Auntie with Zee. I even got most of my pictures done. I just had to do 5 more and I was done. I still had to do my friends and my mom.

I finally got to school and everyone cheered for me to be back. "Hey everyone I'm alive!" "Welcome back Mr. Alive now go sit down. We are all greatful you are back now its time for class to start." "Oh come on Mrs. H. He just got back don't be so Harsh." "NO its all good man. As Long as I'm alive and still going to school I should listen. Sorry Mrs. H." "OK then. I accept your apology." Then class went on and so did the others. Lunch time came and I sat with my buddies. "Hey is Eva not here today?" "NO her brother is not in good condition. They say he might not last for the next couple of days." "Oh crap. I told her I would meet him. I have to reschedule with uncle to tomorrow." "You got something planned?" "Yeah my uncle did." Then we talked about random things and after lunch I made an excuse that I had to go home. "Ok feel better." "Yeah thanks." Then instead of going straight home I went to Eva's. I knocked on her house door. (Knock Knock) "Who is it?" "Its-Its Knight." "Oh hey Knight you must have heard from Zizzy." "Yeah I made an excuse to leave the school." "How are you feeling Knight?" "Me for now I'm great. I rested and I was at school today." "I see. Hey brother this is Knight. The boy I told you about who is sick too." "Hey there man. Nice to meet you." I sad. "Like wise." He said weakly. "Sorry I couldn't meet you sooner when you were more healthier I would have loved to chat with you." He smiled and agreed. "Can he not talk much?" "No he can talk very little. Well there is probably something you should know. Hey buddy It may take a few years but I will be joining you soon." "What are you talking about?" "The doctor said I may not make to my 20's. Even if I do mak it. I won't make it past my mid 20's." "Why didn't you tell me?" "Well you were worried about your brother now you have two people to worry about right man?" "Yeah. I understand. I would have done the same sis." "Ok preserve your strength brother. I want to be with you a little longer." "Should I go then?" "No you don't have to unless you have plans. Well I left the School and lied uncle will find out eventually I'll be back though. Try not to go before I come back ok?" He put a thumbs up. Then I ran home and apologized to uncle and told him what is going on." "OK we can go tomorrow then. Don't' scare us like that Knight you know what the doctor said." "Yeah I do. That's Why I came back to apologize." "Can I go back uncle?" "Yes go ahead." "Thanks uncle." Then I walked back over. "Hey is he still alive?" "Yes but barely. He still talking?" "About the same." "Ok good." "Hey man you made it till I got back. I'll watch your sis for you with the time I have left ok?" "That much I can promise. Thanks man." Then we did a knuckle bump. "Hey sis. I don't have much time. I want to say I kept my promise and lived to meet him now that I know you will be protected at least for a few years. I feel I can go. Now. I can reunite with our parents. Don't come too soon ok? Knight thank you. It was short but thanks for your promise. I love you sis. Everyone and….Thankyou." Then he died on the spot. I hugged her tightly. Will you be with me like this to the end too?" "Of course I will. Just don't die too soon ok?" "I will do my best I can't promise." "Hey can I come over to your house for a bit. I have to stop by and get some help with my brother. First." "Sure its ok." "OK go ahead and meet me at your place." "OK sure."

"Uncle. Eva is coming over. He's gone." Uncle saw me crying. "I maybe met him him for a short time but he was a cool guy. Ha I even told him it might be a few years but I will see him soon. Then I told Eva. She had to do some business with her brothers body then she will be right over. He held on until I was able to meet him. He promised his sister. Then when I noticed what time it was I told her I had to go for a few minutes and told him to hold on until I got back. He kept that promise. I got to be with her when the time came. She said she would do the same for me. she told me not to go anytime soon. I told her I would try not to but I can't promise anything.

Eva came to the house. We welcomed her in. "We heard what happened. WE are so sorry Eva." "Thanks everyone." Then she visited for a few hours and went home.

The next day after school, I noticed uncle had gotten another horse. I was surprised. Now I know what he is doing. "Uncle I know what is going on. Are you sure you want to do this? Are you doing this because you don't know when my last day is and you are fulfilling it?" "That is part of it. the other part is I wanted a big family. Now I think is the time to do that. While you are still around to see it." "Oh brother. OK uncle its up do you. The little brother can sit with me. The little sis with Zee." "What are you talking about? I got the other horse for them." "Oh of course you did. Fine go ahead." So we finally got there and tied our horses up.

We all went in and told the lady what we wanted and showed us to a room. I looked around and saw a boy in the corner. He wore glasses and was playing alone. "Hey man. My name is Knight. What is your name?" Then the boy looked a little scared. "Its ok I won't hurt you." "My names is Avery." "Avery that's a nice name. Hey we are looking for a boy and a girl to take home. Would you like a new home?" "Of course I would. Everyone here does. Everyone wants the pretties girl or the best looking boy. They treat us like they are picking animals." "Yeah I bet. You know Avery. I like you. "Hey uncle. Think I finally found the kid I want to bring home with us." "Oh lets have a look at him." I saw Bain come over. "Hello there." "Oh its ok he is my uncle Bain. This is my sister Zee and my Auntie Quinn. I know his voice is probably scary but I promise you he Is a good guy. Can be stuborn at times but he will never hurt you or let anyone hurt you again ok? If they do you just let him know." The kid was starting to feel comfortable and help my hand. "Quinn honey what is it?" "That girl. I want to take her Home with us. She would be the right age." "I understand honey. Lets go talk to her."

"Hello little girl. My name is Knight. This is Zee." "Hey my name is Zee too." "Really?" "Yeah how funny right?" "Yeah it is." "Oh I see you are taking Avery home." "Yes we were planning on taking you as well if you'd like." "Hmm. OK sure. I will be right back." She must be going to say goodbye to her friends. So we waited. About 10 minutes later she came in with a picture. "Oh who are these people? I drew a picture for my new family if I got one. It's a bigger family so now I can and 2 more into it. Hang on. Then we saw her draw a couple more then she gave us the picture. "Aw thank you. That's so sweet Zee." "Hehe thank you." "So we took the kids to the lady and told her who we wanted and what our environment is like. "Ok well enjoy them. Kids go get packed don't keep them waiting." "Ok." They both ran to their rooms to pack I saw my cute soon to be sister. "Auntie are you ok?" Zee said worriedly. "Yeah I'm fine. she is just the age my baby would be if she was still alive." "I see no wonder." "How old is she? She looks about my age maybe a year younger." "Well actually she would be your age Zee. I'll tell you when we get to the house ok?" "OK sure." Then Zee said good bye to her friends and since Avery didn't have any he waited for Zee.

"Ok can you two ride a horse?" "No I can't." said Zee. "Me either." Said Avery. "Ok then. Avery go with brother Knight and Zee with Zee Haha. Yeah we gotta work on that. When we get home." Said uncle. We all laughed.

We got home and showed he kids which rooms they will be staying in. "Oh cool. I get to share a room. I've always wanted to share a room." "Really? Now you have a chance little brother. Hey how old are you anyway?" I'm 12 years old tomorrow actually. "Woah a brother a year younger then me. Did you say tomorrow?" "Yeah is that a problem?" "No we just got to make a cake and cook dinner." "Haha no need its ok." "No you have a family now. You are going to celebrate it ok?" "Thanks brother." "Sure. Ok so what do you like to eat?" "Well I've always dreamt of having a big steak with mashed potatoes. I old myself I would eat my vegetables if I had too." "Haha you're an interesting kid for a 12 year old. You know a few months ago I just turned 13. So we are 1 year apart." "Really?" "Yeah." Little Zee when is your birthday. "Oh it is December 10." Then Quinn was shocked that is when her baby was born. She knows for a fact her baby died in her arms but the girl looked just like her and had the same birthday. How old will you be turning?" "I will be 9 years old." "OK Honey that's it. I'm calling the hospital. I think there was a mix up when they gave the baby to me trying to save it. Plus I also want to do a Dna test." "What's a Dna Test mommy." She was shocked when she heart mommy. Its when they put a Q tip in your mouth and a different one in mommy's mouth and test them." "Oh ok cool."