It was at least 2 in half hours and dad came out. "Sorry it took me forever so shall we go to Bains?" "Yeah dad but there is something you should know. He adopted 2 kids. One of them ended up bin Auntie Quinn moms sisters daughter. Her boyfriend was the one that switched him he was dying any way and send her to an orphanage where we found her and boy year younger then me named Avery. Oh and the little girl is named Zee as well. Her father called her that. Her mom named her serenity." "I see so she goes by Zee now? How do they know which Zee to call? Well Our Zee is Big Zee she is little Zee. He is 1 year younger than our Zee. "I see. You now your uncle is going to be Pissed off right?" "Yes I know but once he sees you he will be fine. He will probably do what I did you." "I know he will."
I went inside the house with dad. "Sorry to worry everyone. I brought dad back. I said I would big Zee." "Daddy! Oh my gosh. I've missed you so much." "Oh I missed you both too. I'm so sorry to scare you like that." After he was done hugging us Bain socked him in the stomach and he was prepared. "Knight did that already." "Yeah well I needed to for me as well." "OH Eva. What are you doing here?" I Saw Eva siting and relaxing. "Dad. This is Eva she is pregnant with our child." "I see the child will definitely be handsome or beautiful. Oh god please no pretty boys." "Hey dad that doesn run in our family. I guess did run in hers" "I'm kidding dad." "Well anyway I would love the child either way. Got a name picked out for them?" "Well he wanted the name the girl after his mom. Then boy after him." "Well it makes since. You said you won't be around for it to grow up huh son?" "Well dad. As of right now My body was fighting to stay alive for you. Now I have to fulfull one last wish. The prom.
"Finally it was the day of the prom. Dad helped me get dressed I walked down with the help of the stairs. Then I waited for my woman to come out of the room. "Sorry for the wait Knight." "Wow you really look like a princesses." "Thank you Knight. You look pretty good yourself." "OK you two better go before you are late ok?" "Yes father." So I took her by the hand I put her corsage on then we went inside I did was I was told and only did slow dances for both our sakes.
We didn't want to wait for midnight so we decided to walk home early. I started feeling sick to my stomach. "What is it Knight?" "Its starting Babe. My body is starting to give out. Hurry get me home."
"We just barely made it home when I couldn't stand anymore." "Knight!" said everyone. "Hang in there son." "Dad I fulfilled my promises. you said a man do that before he dies. Am I man now dad?" "You were a man long before this son." "Ha. Big Zee. You lost this bet." I know I had a better Idea I did dark blue on top and light blue on bottom." "Cute. Never though you'd look cute in dresses. You should wear more for your boyfriend." "Zee give me my drawings please." "Sure." Zee got them down and gave them to him. I made a drawing for each of you as a parting gift. I made more for other people. Uncle make sure they get to them." "I will." I passed out the drawings and said, "Underneath is what I thought about that person. The one I made of myself goes to Eva. So the baby knows what a sorta looked like." I guess I have no last word for him other than to be good for mommy and not give her a hard time. I'm proud of him and I love him or her." AS for everyone else. Thank you for everything. I will say hi to your brother for you if I see him." "Thank you." "I know its hard to smile but can I see my family's smile one last time?" They tried to smile but tears came down. I love you all and thank you." Then Knight died right there.
When I woke up again I was laying in bed. I was hearing my name being called. "Knight Knight! Are you not up yet. I have to go to work an you have to watch the baby." "Baby? I was actually reincarnated. Creepy. So I went to the crib and saw I had a son after all. His name was Knight I am assuming. "Is your name Knight?" Why am I asking a baby?" "Uh wait this house. Does this mean? I go over to where I knew Uncle Bain lived and the two kids he adopted were there like normal. "Uh Bain? Uncle Bain?" "Yeah Knight? Are you feeling ok?" "Yeah I feel great. Where is Auntie Quinn?" Oh she is out in the back do you need her?" "NO what about dad?" "Your dad is at home. With your sister are you feeling ok? Do you have a fever?" "No. I'm ok uncle. I'm really ok. I just didn't get much sleep last night." I go back to my old home on a horse with the baby. "Dad? Sister?" "Oh brother what are you doing here? OH and you brought baby Knight." "Hey buddy come to untie Zee." She took him away as I let her. Dad Where is Eva's brother?" "You don't remember son? HE died." "I see something is really wrong with me dad. I'm really scared." "Hang on son. Let me feel your head." "You feel fine but we would take you just in case." "Wait dad. How old am I? where am I? son you are 18 years old your sons birthday is tomorrow. I see. What Tomorrow? So my sister made a cake. Wait is Ms. Sun around?" "She is with her husband and the kids." "Wait I can't process this. Zee. Please tell me you are with Kiran." "Of course I am who else would I be with?" "Oh goodness. You dad uncle Bain haven't changed I'm so glad. Dad you better take me somewhere and fast I don't feel so good." "Hang on son. Zee!" "Yes father." "Take little Knight to Bain's I'm taking Knight to the hospital." "OK dad. Are you ok Brother?" "Yeah- I think -I will be ok." "Hang in there ok?" "Yeah." He put me on A horse and I saw my sister go as well on hers.
"Hmm. Dad. What is going on? Everything is so strange to me." "Its ok you'll be ok son. We will get you help." We made it to the hospital and the same doctor I had before was here to check me out. "Is he having another one of his dizzy spells?" "This one Is different. He is acting strange." "Knight. Do you know who I am?" "Yeah your doctor Grant right?" "You don't look so sure." "I see what you mean? Certain things aren't familiar to him. I'll keep him overnight just to be sure ok?" "Yes sir. I'll let his girlfriend know." "Dad." "Its ok son I'll be right back I'll go to your girlfriend's work and tell her what's going on." "Wait dad. What exactly is her work?" "She is an in home care nurse you know that. Oh well I guess you don't since your not feeling well. I'll go to the house she is working at today and let her know little Knight is at Bain's house." "OK."
A couple of hours later I was about to go to sleep when I saw Eva walk in. "Eva?" "Yes its me. I'm sorry I didn't know you were not feeling good. You should have told me. Even if you didn't know I was a nurse." "Hmm. Sorry I know I should have. Eva is this all a dream? Will I wake back up in my old life?" "Oh you mean reincarnation?" "Yeah that." "Well I didn't believe in that for awhile then one morning I woke up as well thinking things seemed different." "Hey do you know how you died in your past life Eva?" "At the moment no. what about you?" "Yes that is why I'm not feeling good. Almost everything is so new to me again." "So how did you die?" "I had an incurable disease. I was only 6 at the time I made pictures for everyone on my passing. I felt bad because I didn't get to meet our child or even draw his picture. I'm wondering if he would have been a boy as well." "Well you don't have a sickness but you do have episodes where you get dizzy and sometimes pass out but you take medicine for that. Have you taken medicine this morning?" "Well I assumed it was so yes I took it. It was on my bedside table. Ow my head hurts." "Do you got a headache?" "Yeah a little." "Well you have been stressed out lately. I don't really know why and you won't tell me but as of now you don't remember. I'm sure you will remember soon enough." "Hmm lets see if I remember anything else. Oh what about my friends from school Zizzy and the others?" "Zizzy is fine. His girlfriend is pregnant. As for the other 3 still single." "Ha no surprising. What about Zee's friends at school how is she doing in school?" "Woah hang on now. Too much info will give you a really bad headache but she and the boys and girls are doing fine ok? I'm sure other than your sickness everything is normal." "Well there is one think different besides you working and me being alive is Ms. Sun. Her husband died before Kiran was born. Kiran was an adorably clingy boy because of that." "I see I can't picture him like that but he would be cute if he was right?" "Ha yeah. Hey wait if I wasn't sick all the time how exactly did we meet?" "Well you told me about your dizzy spells I would come over and help you. Then I gave you my number if you needed anything then we started talking and got together." "I see. Did I really make those drawings of people and write about them? What did I give them for this time?" "OK Knight. You need to get some sleep. You gave them as a new years present ok? Now I'll stay here until you go to sleep. I'll tell Bain to watch him overnight."
I closed my eyes I felt pain. I heard people around me. I couldn't comprehend what they were saying. I was starting to wake up in an unfamiliar place. "Where? Where am I?" "Ah I see your finally awake kid." "Who are you people? Did you kidnap me from the hospital?" "We sure did." "Why? What do you want from me?" "What makes you so sure its you we want anything with you? We left a clue for your father." "I see now. You were Ones that took my dad in my last life I knew I recognized you also we got safely away just to be captured again in this life I will not let you take my father a second time. When I was 12 years old in my last life you had taken away my father He left behind a 9 year old girl too. I had to live with my dad's best friend Bain which wasn't bad I admit. I was a sickly child who just wanted to see his child before dying. Even if I don't have the same sickness now. I still do have dizzy episodes. I will not leave behind my son. I will not let you take me from my son and leave him 4 years without of father. Yes I had Bain. He was not my father. Mother died when I was 3 I think. Zee was a baby. I don't know what my father had to go through in the past but he won't have to go through that again! Now why the hell do you want my father?!" "Ah ha. So reincarnation does exist after all. The kid doesn't remember much about what happened to his father." Said a man. "Well kid sit down we will tell you what we want from your father.
Meanwhile Knights father had just gotten back home. "Zee are you here?" "Oh Daddy. I was so scared." "What happened Zee?" "Its-its Knight dad. My brother Knight." "I found this" It was a picture he Knew too well. It was a self portrait of Knight that he drew himself. He looked on the back. "No is this blood? He better be ok. Zee go to Bain and tell him what happened. Stay at his house until I come get you ok?" He ran to the police station and had the examine the mark. Sure enough it was bloods. It was definitely Knights. "Shit. That kid better still be alive. I better let his girlfriend. Know." He rushed over to Eva's house. "Eva. Its your father in Law. I have news about Knight." "Oh father. Where is he? Where is Knight?!" "I'm afraid he was kidnapped. I found this. Then he turned it around an told her, "This is his blood. I don't think he is dead I think they are after me and used him as bait. They probably didn't realize how bad they hurt him and stitched him up. He bleeds out easily. oK I'm going back to the station and see what they have ok? You do as you always do go to work watch over little Knight ok?" "Yes I know. Thanks dad." "Hey your my sons most precious girl. I told him I'd protect you if anything happened. Plus I don't want little Knight to grow up without any parents. OK well If hear anymore I will let you Know." "Yes father thanks you."
"So do we have any news?" said Knights old man. "No not yet. We are still looking for clues." "Wait. Have you guys searched the mountain with the red stuff that looks like blood? He could be around there." "OK I'll have some men look around that mountain and check to see if they have any clues."
Mean while back with Knight. "How long are you going to keep me here? Without my medicine I have dizzy spells and can pass out if I am not careful I could die." "You won't die on our watch. What is the medicine called?" "…." "Speak kid!" No response. "Uh sir I think he blacked out." "Shit already huh? Sigh. Go to his doctor and threaten him to give you his medicine." "Yes sir." "Kid you better not die on me you hear? I need you alive until your father gets here. Dammit!
It had already been a day and still no sign of Knight. Everyone was starting to worry. It was little Knights birthday but they decided to wait until they got back to celebrate. They were all at Bains house even the adopted kids where scared for him. "Please be ok Knight. Please please." Said Little Zee.
The man checked on Knight to see if he was still breathing. He had been asleep for a full day. He was barely breathing and had a fever. The man poured some cold water on an old shirt and put it on Knights head. "Hmm." "Hang in there kid. My man will be back soon. He better be." Then finally he ran in. "How is he? Sorry it took longer than I thought. HE looks pretty bad." "Yeah kids barely breathing." He read the pill bottle and got some water and forced the pills down the Knights throat. "Cough Cough" "Well he's breathing better now. That's a relief. Hey did you write down where we were?" "No you told me not too." "Good he will assume we would be at the same place we kidnapped him before first then eventually here." "Dad. Where are you?" said Knight in a weak Tone. "Hey kid. Stay alive ok?" Knight sat up and said, "What happened to me?" "You had one of your blackouts and were barely breathing. I told you we could get your medicine. We did it by force but got it down that is why you are ok." "I see. In both my lives I guess I most likey will die young." "Hey kid your not going to die. Its your father we want we won't kill him either we just want some info." "Yeah I know. Info that is top secret."
The doctor ran to the police station and told them what happened. "What someone came and threatened you for Knights medicine?! Well at least that means he's fine for now or will be. He must have had a black out that is why they are asking for it." said Knight's Dad. "Wait there is evidence. This fell out of his pocket when he threatened me." "Hmm. What is it?" He looked at the picture and was shocked. "I see. So that is where they might be. I Will be right back. I have to be somewhere." "Sir. Sir!"
It took until noon to get where he needed to go. He scouted his surrounding and found what he was looking for and headed in that direction. Finally got to his destination. "Found you bastards. If you kill my son I will kill you all." He said to no one in particular.