Chapter 10: Untitled

"This better not be a trick or else they will get it bad later!" said Knights old man. He tied up his horse and headed inside quietly. Then he heard someone mention the kid. Then he quietly followed them. All of a sudden. BANG "What the hell?" "I see you have fallen into our trap. Old man." Said one of them men. "Please let my son go and take me I instead." " Nice offer but not. Unless you tell us the info we want your son will not be found. Just to let you know he isn't here. It was all a trap for you. I purposely dropped that paper while I was strangling the doctor." "I see I guess I am getting to old for this shit then. Just kill me and get it over with." "I'd like to but its bosses orders we can't kill you. But we do have something that might make you talk. Bring it in here." They went in and got something. Then came back. "What is this?" "You really want to know? If we tell you will you tell us what we want to know?" "I told you I don't know anything. Even if I did I still wouldn't tell you." "Fine. I guess we have tell you what this is. Sigh. This is your sons blood. He definitely is a bleeder just by a simple cut." "What did you to my son?" "Oh I didn't anything. I'm just the messenger." "Let me speak to my boy." "Let me speak to the boss." "Boss he wants to make sure that his son is still alive." "Fine." "Dad. Dad I'm still alive. Please I am so weak hurry and save me." "OK now you know he is alive. What are you going to do now?" "Fine. I'll get hit at the most for it but I really don't know anything. If you give me my son I can tell you the man who knows." The man looked into his eyes to see he wasn't lying. "Fine. Boss I'm taking him to our spot. He says if he gets his son he will tell us the man he knows. Yes I looked into his eyes he wasn't lying." "No keep him there. I will bring the boy." "OK then."

It was almost dark when they had brought Knight to him. Knight wasn't looking to good and had cuts all over him. "Oh Knight. What have they done to you?" "OK. I promised I wouldn't hurt him here is his medicine. Now I will hold him until you give me the man's name." I looked at my father and he smiled at me. Then I mouthed. "No don't do it. What about Quinn?" Then he mouthed it will be ok. "OK his name is Bain. Bain Dred." "I see so it was your buddy all along. Selling out your friend huh?" "Ok now give me my son." "Oh My pleasure. I only need about 4 men to grab him." Dad took me to his horse. I was so weak and in pain I couldn't even speak. "Son I am taking you to the hospital." He had me in front of him on the horse. We galloped as fast as we could to the hospital.

It was midnight by the time we got there. "Help! Someone! I saved my son! MY son is hurt!" They saw how bad he was and hurriedly put him on a gurney and did what they could to stabilize him. "God I don't ask for much but please please let my son be ok." He went to the nurse and had her call Eva's work. "Is Eva there please?" "One moment." Then Eva answered the phone. "Dad is that you? Did you find Knight?" "He is in the hospital. He's not in good condition and Bain is in trouble. Hurry to Bains then to the Hospital ok? Oh and get the kids out of the house." "Yes father." "Thank you but I have a family emergency I have to leave early." "Yes of course. I'll have someone sub for you."

She ran over to Bains house. Barged into the door. "Where is Knight?" "Woah easy what is going on?" "Where is my son?" "He's right here." "Good I was told to get all the kids out of here. I'm sure Bain knows why. Knight is in the hospital in bad condition." "Dammit! Yes I know now. Sigh. Quinn get somewhere safe too ok?" "Yes but what about you?" "I'll be fine."

She did as she was told and stayed at a friends while the kids followed Eva to the hospital. Baby Knight was crying. "SHH its going to be ok Knight. Daddy will be ok. Everything will be ok." "Oh good you're here. He has been asking for you. I'll take Knight and take the kids out to the waiting room."

She nervously went into Knights room to see what he looked like. "Knight." "Eva. I'm glad your ok." I said weakly. "Of course I'm ok. Look at you all bandaged up though." "Ha Most of it is for precaution. Listen to me. I almost died back there. I didn't have my medicine so I had a black out and a fever. I was barely breathing. The man send his friend over to fight my doctor for it. He didn't want me to die. At first I thought he was doing it as bait for my dad keeping me alive but I was wrong. When I got better from them giving me the medicine I needed. I saw his eyes. He looked like a desperate father. He looked just like dad did when they didn't give me up. I don't know what info it is but he thinks it might save his child I bet. I would do the same if my childs life was on the line. I would even kill for him." "Oh Knight." Then the doctor came in to see how I was doing. "How are you feeling Knight?" "Like I've been carved like a wild animal." "Haha yeah well its because you have been. Whoever stitched you up after carving you must have medical experience or someone who does. So I couldn't help but hear what you were saying. You think this man might have a child who is in danger?" "Well I don't know for sure. I know those eyes anyway I have seen that face in dad plenty of times when me and my sister were in danger. I think he was a father desperate to safe his child. I don't know what info it is but he thinks it might save his child. I didn't catch his name but if he is in they system I would recognize his face if I saw it." "OK I'll go get your father to go down and get some photos and bring them over ok?" "No you don't need to. When father saved me he saw the man as well. He must know who he is. I don't know if dad knows his situation. I want to see dad for a minute." "OK be right back."

"Ow. Damn! I hurt all over. Bain how is he?" "Well as soon as I told him about you he knew what was going on. I'm sure he told Quinn to go somewhere safe." "That's good. Sigh." I was taking deep breathes cause I was hurting pretty bad. "Dad." "What is it son? The Doc said you wanted to see me?" "Yeah you saw his face right? old man." "No actually I didn't even look at him I was more worried at you all bloodied up. So what about him?" "He is a father too. You can't fake that look in your eye when you are a worried parent. It's the same one you have every time Zee and I are in danger. He thinks whatever this secret information is can help his child. Since Bain knows what's going on I'm sure he knows the mans situation." "Well He did look like he felt bad for the guy." "I told you it would be all right son. Bain knows what he is doing I hope." "Haha oh dad. Don't you know your own childhood friend? By the way dad. Auntie Quinn never told me why mom hid her sisters Idetity from us." "I see. That figures. Well your mother and her never got along. They were always mistaken for each other so her sister cut her hair. I don't know the whole story. I just know they hated being compared when things settle down you can talk to her." "Dad. I'm sorry." "What are you sorry for Knight?" "Well you know how stubborn I can be sometimes and mess up. I never listen to you or Bain. I just. When I went to save you back then I disobeyed uncle and your orders. I was told to leave it alone. You tried to protect me dad. Now that I got you out I was Kidnapped. They knew I was your son. Now Bain is in trouble and its all my fault." "Son its not your fault. Bain and I get into this trouble all the time and seem to take care of it. Its just that one time I was careless." "Dad." "Huh? Sorry I was thinking of Your mother just now." "Dad what did mom look like?" "Oh that's right I kept her pictures hidden for Years. Like I said your mom and her sister Quinn were Identical so don't be surprised." He took out a picture and Eva saw too. "That's. My mom. She is holding me and Zee." "Yeah I wish she was healthy then but not long after it was taken she passed away." "Aria was moms name right?" "Yes it was." "Aria. Why do I know that name? Father do you believe in reincarnation?" "Not really no." "Well I didn't at first." "Neither did I." Said Eva. Then they told him what happened in their past lives. After we told them dad said, "Well its true we almost lost you. We thought you were gone we were about to call it when suddenly you started breathing again. That must have been when you were reincarnated or whatever." "Father I was in my bed when I was reincarnated. Eva told me to watch the baby and that she was late for work." "Oh well when the doctor saw you, you were in your bed. As for Ms. Sun she will be back tomorrow. Its true her husband had died but she got married again when Kiran was born. That is probably why he isn't his clingy self back then." "Oh is see. Well a couple things haven't changed about him. He still like soba and fish, and he still gets shy when she kisses him on the cheek." "Haha Yeah I noticed that." "Hey dad? Why…Why do things bad things always happen to us. I mean other the the dizziness and blackouts I'm fine right? Its nothing serious. Usually when the things you had in your past life someone had the same thing you did back then. So who has an incurable sickness? Its not our family right? Please tell me its not." "Well son. I Can't tell you its not but as for your first question I don't know. But hey You have a son. You have to stay healthy for him okay?" "What do you mean dad? Don't tell me you're the one who has it now? Please tell me its not true." "Sorry son. I can't tell you what's not true at this point. So yes Its true. I have it." "Oh dad. How long have you had it? was it since mom?" "Yes son. The same time you had it back then." "So since mom died. I'm feeling dizzy I better lay down and get some rest." "OK I'll leave. Eva take care of the kid ok?" "I will father. Oh and later we have something to tell you." "Ok looking forward to it."

"Hey are you really ok?" No response. She felt his forehead and he had a slight fever. "Oh dear. You have a slight fever." She kissed his forehead and ran his fingers through his hair.

A few days later he went home. Uncle's family came over for a visit they were staying with dad. "Hey Everyone. How have you all been?" "We are all good. How are you feeling?" said Avery. "Well I was well enough to go back home so much better." "Hey brother." "Oh hey sis. You guys go by big Zee and Little Zee right?" "Yeah we do." Said my sis Zee. "Hey before I gave this to Eva I wanted to show you guys it. I finished the picture I wanted to make of my son. Look here." I pulled the picture off my desk and showed him. "Wow he will like that." Said Zee. "Yeah I wrote something like I did for all your pictures." They all read it quietly then little Zee said. "That's so sweet Knight. He will definitely cry when he sees it."

So they visited for awhile then I was getting quite tired. "Ok everyone lets let Knight get some sleep." Said dad. "Thanks for coming over everyone." They all nodded and I closed my eyes. It wasn't long shortly after I closed my eyes that I heard knocking on my door. (Knock Knock) "Come in." I said in a weak and hoarse voice. "hey its me Knight." "Oh hey Eva. Sorry I was tired and was about to go to sleep." "Oh I'm sorry should I leave?" "No its fine. what's up?" "Oh I wanted to check and see how you were doing?" "I'm just a little tired is all. I'm fine." "Ok I'll check on you in a couple of hours." "OK thanks Eva. Give our son a kiss for me." "I will." Then I really went to sleep.

Finally a few more days passed and I apparently had work. I was told by Eva what work I apparently had. She said after work she had something to tell me so I was curious on what it was. I went to work which was apparently an art studio. I guess my art was so good she showed around and I got a job. I was shocked but apparently my hands remembered what I did. I'm glad a part of my body did Haha.

After hours of working it was finally my lunch time. I washed my hands and when to one of the stalls closer to my studio. Then I saw the dish Avery had in my reincarnation with the soba and fish mix. Just looking at it gave me a stomach ache. I had the regular soba. Just as I finished some one came up to me.

"Hello. How can I help you?" "Oh Excuse me sir. Do you happen to be the artist Knight?" "Hmm. May I ask who is asking?" "Oh sorry sir. My name is Mina. My father wants to talk to you." "Well I just finished my lunch so have him meet me at the studio. I will be there shortly." "Ok thank you sir."

I went to my studio and saw a carriage only a rich person would use. "Hello sir. You wanted to talk to me? If so I need you to come inside the studio please." "Yes of course." Said the man.

"So what can I do for you sir?" "Well I know you probably don't remember me. You have grown up. Little Knight." "Hang on. Only mom and dad called me that when I was little. Do you happen to know either mom or dad?" "Sorry yes. Your father didn't mention me because we had a misunderstanding. I was friends with your mother and father. I was your mothers childhood friend." "Oh so you're the friend that dad mentions. He just said friend not your name so I didn't know who it was. Well I am still at work so if this doesn't happen to be for work I will have to talk to you later. I'll be done in another 5 hours so can you find something until then come back then and we can go to the meeting room." "Ok thank you Knight. Also I do want to talk business with you as well." "Ok what would you like sir?" He told me he wanted me to draw a picture of him and his daughter and son. So he said he could come by later with his son. "Ok sounds good. See you then." Then I went back to my work. I had a deadline that was coming up soon.

About 2 hours later I finally finished the picture. "phew finally done. I went to the boss and told him I was done. He came over and saw my work. "Very well done Knight. You look tired." "Oh I'm fine. Remember that elderly gentleman?" "Yeah what about him?" "He Knew my mom and dad."