Chapter 12: Untitled

"Well sis. We knew a day like this was going to come. Just not this soon." "Yeah I know. I hope he's with mom now." "Yeah I'd like to think so." "Ok lets go through fathers things." So we looked in boxes and I found some pictures. "Hey sis look at these." She came over and looked with me. "Remember these times?" "Haha yeah. I do. Look how cute we were." Then we got to the end and it was a picture we had never seen before. It was a picture of mom holding a baby. We looked at the back and it said our moms name and a name we assumed was the babies which was Torion. "I'll keep this picture. I think I want to find him sis." "OK ask uncle. He works with people who can." Then we looked at the stuff some more but when I found something I gave to dad I was shocked he still had it. He said he threw it away. Then tears started to slowly go down my cheeks. "Brother are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine. It just….Dad said he threw it away but he kept it." It was a toy truck that I made him. "Anyway Did you get what you wanted sis?" "Yeah I'm fine. I'd like to keep the pictures if you don't mind." "Yeah sure." I gave the pics to her except the one I was going to keep for my half brother. "Well this is it. what are you going to do with the house?" "I don't know yet. I want to talk to Eve about moving back in it." "You sure you want to do that?" "Yeah It will be hard but I can deal." "It would be great to be home again if you do." "Yeah." Then we both left to eat something then we went to pick up the little guy.

"Hey uncle we are back. We went through stuff and separated them in boxes as you can see." "OK. Your little man just ate a bunch so he isn't hungy." "Haha yeah that boy can eat. OK little man Once we go home and drop the stuff off want to burn all that off and go to the park?" "Yay!" "Ok then. Hey uncle I have a favor to ask you. I found out the name of my half brother." I showed him the picture and the back of it. "Torion huh? She always liked that name for some reason." "Yeah I'll give it a look. Oh here is a picture of his father. A recent one." "Wow he doesn't look much older than your dad." "Yeah I know." "OK I'll let you know what we find out." "Thanks uncle." Then Little Knight and I went to the park for a bit then came home to find Eva waiting for us.

"Hey honey I'm home." Little Knight was fast asleep so he put the little guy in his bed. Then he came back out. "So how did it go?" "Emotional but ok." I told her what I found out about the picture and the thing I built for my father. "Well that is an interesting name. Wait a second. You said his name was Torion? It seems I have heard that name before. Hang on a minute." I saw her go to her desk to search for something. Twenty minutes later she found it. "I found it. I knew I heard it somewhere. Pfew. Here this is his address and number." "Oh my gosh you are a life saver honey." Then I gave her a kiss on the cheek and decided to dial his number. Then I went to the room to talk.

The phone rang twice and someone answered it. "Hello?" "Hi my name is Knight. May I ask if this is Torion?" "Yes it is." "Um I know this might sound strange but I am your half brother. We share the same mom." "I see. Well I am working right now can we meet somewhere later today? Say about 4:00pm?" "Yes of course. I am an artist and I can talk there in the conference Room." I told him the address he agreed and we hung up. "Yes!" I ran to tell Eva the news. "That's great! Are you going to bring your sister?" "I was about to call her now." "Hey sis. I have some news. Eva already knew our half brother. I am meeting him at 4:00 at my work come over then." "Yeah ok sure." Then we hung up and I ended up in a daze. Eva noticed and was worried.

"Are you ok Knight?" "Yeah I'm fine." I shook my head. "I just never thought I would meet him. Oh yeah I have to call my uncle." Then I called him and told him I found him and that he can stop searching. Then Zee said "That's good news. I'll let my men know." Then I hung up and was more relaxed. A couple of hours later my baby boy woke up. I got him out of his crip and handed him to Eva. "Here can you change him? I need to do some thinking." "Yeah sure."

Finally I went to my work to meet him with my sister. We went in the conference room and waited. We didn't have to wait long before he entered. We stood up. "Hello you must be Torion?" "Yes and you must be Knight." "Yes I am this is my sister Zee." "Nice to meet you both. Mind if I sit down?" "No go ahead." I said. So we all sat down and I said, "I have something for you. I also found a letter from our mom to you." I gave the letter and picture to him. "So this is my birth mother." "Yes. Also mom was a good person. She was sweet even though we don't remember her that well. She died when Zee here was 3." "I'm sorry." "Its all good. Do you mind if I call you brother?" "Actually I was an only child in my adopted family. I would love to have siblings. So please." "Ok cool. I also know your dad. Would you like to meet him?" "Um….Not today. But can I have his number?" "Yes of course. When you do meet him give us a call." "Oh I will for sure. So you work here?" "Yeah as I said I am an artist today is my day off but I can show you some of my work." "Yes please." "I showed him to my personal studio and my works. "Wow You did all these?" "Yeah when I draw I like to write what I think about the drawing. If you every wish to get your picture drawn I'm willing. I can do painting Sketch colored pencil basically any form of drawing I am also good at Caligraphy as you can tell." "Very awesome. How much do you charge for something like this?" "For you it can be free. But for others it depends on the size. Here I have my price ad here." He looked at the ad and said "Not bad. You must do some good work." "Yeah I hate deadlines." "Haha doesn't everyone." Said Torion. "So Torion. What exactly do you do for work?" said Zee. "Well lets see. I am an author. I write books and do a little Art myself." "Really? Mind if I see your work sometime?" "Oh brother here we go again. Every time he hears a person is into art he goes off." "Haha its fine. "Yeah sure I'd love too. By the way my parents are excited for me." "Really? They aren't mad?" "No they know I still love them and always will." "Well that's good. Oh I have a little 2 year old at home with his mom. Maybe next time I can bring him over?" "Um…let me ask my parents I'm sure its fine." "Ok good. Well its getting late. It was nice to meet you brother." "Yeah nice to meet you both too."

Luckily my boss was still there. I needed to talk to him. "OK sis you go on I have to talk to my boss." "Ok sure have fun." "Yeah fun." Then I watched her leave. "Hey boss you still in the back?" "Yeah I'll be right there." "OK."

A few minutes later the boss came out and said, "What's up Kiddo? Is everything ok?" "Yeah I think so." "So how did it go?" "It went very well actually. He looked more nervous than we did but we still managed." "So is this about work?" "Oh Yeah. Do I have a new deadline any time soon?" "Not that I know of why?" "I have a project I wanted to start tomorrow." "Yeah sure." "OK cool." "So I went home happily and the day and night went on and it was the next day.

I got up we dropped the baby at uncles. I was on my way to work since Eva went on ahead. I felt a little weird. I felt slightly dizzy. Its not like the normal spells I had. I just brushed it off and went to work. I greeted my co-workers and my boss then went in my studio to start my project.

As I was working that dizzy feeling was getting worse. I couldn't take my medicine again since it was only a one time a day medicine. I went to my boss and told him to call Eva to come take a look at him. He agreed and told me to lay down on the lounge couch.

A bit later Eva came in and saw him laying down looking pale. "Hey honey what's going on?" "Eva is that you?" "Yes honey are you having those dizzy spells again?" "Its different then the other dizzy spells I have been having. You know when you have that feeling in the pit of your stomach sometimes? Its like that. I'm worried about my brother." "I'll tell you what? Why don't I give him a call and you talk to him." I agreed. She dialed the number and Torion answered. "Hello?" "Hi brother." I said weakly. "Hey man what's up?" "Is everything ok there?" "Yeah why you don't sound so good." "I'll be fine. I just have this feeling that something isn't right over there and I'm worried." "Its fine. I'll tell you what. What time do you get off after work tomorrow?" "Around 5:00pm why?" "Come over then and have dinner with us. Sister as well." "Ok thanks. I will that helps a lot." "Good I'm glad." Then we hung up and I was so relived I passed out. "He will be fine old man. When he wakes up just give him some water and something with sugar he should be fine." "OK thank you Eva. Sorry to bother you." "No its fine thanks for telling me."

After awhile I was fine and went home. I left Knight with uncle until Eva was off of work then she would pick him up. I was doing practice sketches at home. I drew my brother with what his adopted parents looked like. By the time I finished, I heard my little one rush over to me. I hurriedly put my stuff down and let my baby boy run over to me. "Hey Little guy. Did you have fun at uncles house." He clapped his hand. "That's good." I hugged my little man tight but not to tight to hurt him. I silently cried. Eva saw Knight crying and worried about him. "Ok I'll take little night to take a bath and get him ready for bed. You go to get ready for bed." I got out of my daze and let go of Jr. Eva took the little guy and I headed to my study and hid the picture then I went to my room to lay down.

After awhile Eva had put the baby down and came inside our room. "Hey honey. Now tell me. What is wrong with you?" said Eva. "What? What do you mean?" I said already knowing. "You know what I am talking about. I saw you crying while holding on to Junior." " Sigh. Yeah I'm fine. Really. Just some memories popped up of my parents. I'm fine." "Oh is that so. Come here." I went over to her and she hugged me. "Its ok Knight. I promise you things will get better." "I know." As I said silently crying and she felt it so she knew. Once I calmed down she asked. "What brought it up?" "I was randomly sketching and for some reason they came up in my mind." "Sigh. How much does this happen?" "It just happened this one time. Even if it happened again I wouldn't ever give up my art. If I ever do then you know that there is something wrong with me." "Sigh. Ok fine. Just take deep breaths to calm yourself when it does ok?" "Yeah. I will. By the way have you been working late lately? Because you seem more tired lately." "Hmm. Yeah I'll be fine." SO they cuddled up and went to sleep.

The next morning they both dropped off Knight at uncles. Then they went their separate ways. Eva thought on the way home. She realized she hasn't been keeping track of her Aunt Flo. So when she got to work she would take a pregnancy test. She keeps them in her purse just in case.

Meanwhile at the Art studio I was working on my project then all of a sudden I had a strange feeling. It was about my wife Eva. I gave Eva a call and asked if she was ok. "Hey Are you ok?" "Y-yes I'm fine. When I get home we have to talk." "Ok but you're sure your ok?" "Yes I am. Now go back to work and earn some money." "Haha ok I will." So we hung up and I went to work on more of my project. I was getting tired and falling asleep. Then all of a sudden I heard someone call my name. "Knight. Knight!" "Huh? Oh its you boss. Sorry I'm a little tired." The boss noticed that Knight was a little pale. "Hey what's wrong Kid?" "I'm just tired why?" "You look Pale. OK why don't you go home early." "Yeah sure." He tried to get up but when he did he blacked out. "Knight if you can hear me. I 'm taking you to the hospital. The one Eva works at." He ran to tell the assistant boss and threw knight over his shoulder and headed to the hospital.

The boss yelled for help and people came rushing with a stretcher. They took Knight from him and laid him down. Boss waited in the waiting room to hear some news.

As Eva finished with a patient she got a call. She was told that Knight was in the ICU now. She put down the stuff she was doing and asked someone to sub in for her and they agreed and she rushed over to he room Knight was in.

When she went in, Knight was still out. She saw the one looking after him and said, "How is he?" "Oh he will be fine. He just passed out from stress." "Sigh. Thanks. Is the person that brought him here still here?" "Yes he is in the waiting room. I was about to tell him the news but would you mind doing it?" "Yes thanks." She went to the waiting room and saw Knights boss. "Hello sir." I said walking up to him. "Oh Eva. How is he?" "He's fine. They said he just passed out from stress. Tell me what happened at work?" "I don't know. I was working, then I went to see what Knight was working on and he looked like he was about to fall asleep then I saw he looked pale. That is when I decided to take him in." "Sigh. Well thank you. I'll let you go back to work and go see my husband. You are welcome to as well for a bit before you go back to work." "Yeah I think I will." He followed her in.

They went in and he saw that Knight had his color back but was still not awake. "Well at least he doesn't look like a ghost anymore." "Haha yeah. I'm sure he will wake up in a few hours." The boss said goodbye and went to work. Eva called Zee and told her what was going on and Torion as well. They both came over not long after the call. Zee went to his right side and Torion to his left. "How is he Eva?" "He's fine. He passed out from stress. He should be waking up in a few hours or so." "Can we stay with him?" "Yes go ahead. I'll be doing other things." So she left and the others stayed with Knight.