Chapter 25

"You look so much like your mother did. I heard around that your mother died when you were still a boy. Sorry to hear that. I also heard about my brother. I'm sorry you had a loose a parent. I know how hard it is." "Thanks uncle cyan." "No problem. Oh well since you aren't his birth kids I guess you have nothing to worry about. I was worried maybe the sickness passed on to you or the werewolf was interfering with your dragon form." "Uh no I'm not. By any chance do you know Mr. Zoren?" "Uh well I knew your mother was with a man whose last name Zoren. Yes I have met him a few times." "So Uh how did you know I existed? Did you hear around too? You said dad never talked to you for years." "Yeah I learned by asking around. They said he had a son and daughter." "I see. Well thanks for checking up on me uncle. So uh where are you living?" "Oh Uh I don't live here. I'm planning on moving to this village if they will let me." "Uh Uncle. There is something you should know. Torion is the crown prince since I didn't take the throne. You can talk to him." "Oh yeah thanks kid." SO he left and I went to my room to lay down.

Later that day Bain came barging into my house. "Woah Bain calm down breathe." He was so excited he just cant hide it. Haha ok lets get serious here. He was a little too excited. "What seems to excite you uncle?" "Uh is everyone here?" "Yes everyone is around somewhere why?" "I want to tell all of you the good news." SO I rounded everyone up and brought them to the living room. "OK uncle tell us the news." Before he could Cyan was still here and showed up. "Oh Cyan you finally showed your face huh?" "Good to see you too Bain. So you have some good news?" "Yeah your welcome to hear if you want." "Sure." "Ok as most of you know I haven't talked to my dragon in years. I was training for it these passed 3 weeks. I can finally hear him now." I saw him in tears happy ones of course. "I'm so happy for you uncle congrats." I patted his shoulder. Aria and Eva gave him a hug. "Congrats uncle." Said Eva and Aria while hugging him. Knight came over too a and patted him on the back. Cyan came over and ruffled uncles hair. "Hey just because you are older than me doesn't mean you can still do that Cyan. We aren't kids anymore." "Yeah I know. By the way how are your kids Bain?" "Good they both got their own families now." "That's awesome." "Oh in a few days I plan on going to visit the human world. Want to join us Cyan? See Quinn again?" "What? How would I see her again? I don't know where she lives now." "Uh I married her Cyan. Also you know that Zee child you heard about?" "Yeah what about her." "She is Quinn's biological daughter from a different relationship." "Oh is that so? Well at least she got so raise her up after all." "Uncle are you going home with us?" "Yeah sure. I have to head home and see my kids and wife again. I've stayed away too long. Also if I need any help I can always ask my dragon." "Yeah good idea."

A few days passed and it was the day to visit the human village. Art came with us as well. "Ah no place like the old village." I said. We went straight to Bain's house.

"Hey honey I'm home." Said Bain. He heard footsteps running and saw Quinn running over to him. Then she hugged him almost knocking him down. "I've missed you Bain." "I missed you too Quinn. We have visitors." "Oh well excuse me. Hello Knight Eva and kids." Then she looked behind them and saw Cyan. She had a shocked face. "Cyan. Huh? Why did you suddenly show your face?" "Geeze we haven't seen each other in years and you already act like I'm a bad guy." "I'm just joking Cyan come here and give me a hug." Cyan went over and hugged Quinn. "I've been trying to find all of you but I couldn't." said Cyan. "After a few days of calming down from fighting with brother you all disappeared. I couldn't find you all. Then I find out my brother is dead and your sister Aria is as well I even have nieces and nephews. This is crazy." "Well we are all here now even if you have waited years. Now where are you staying?" "I planned on living in the dragon village but now knowing you both are here I was thinking of living here. Yes I am a wolf but I'm sure other creatures live here as well right?" "Yes they do but mostly humans." "That's good. So where is the elder so I can talk to them. More importantly who is the elder?" "Oh uh you will be surprised. Its Our old friend Mason." "No way him?" "Yep that's right." said Bain. "Well I hope he won't punch me when I see him." "Be prepared." "OK well I guess I will go and get it over with." So he left.

We visited for a few days then it was time to go home. Cyan decided he would stay a few more so he stayed in a hotel or motel. "See you later everyone. I need to stop one more place before I head back." So we left towards the Zoren's place.

I knocked on the door and Mrs. Zoren opened it. "Oh Knight. Good to see you all please come in." So we walked in and she invited us to sit down. "So uh where is Mr. Zoren?" "Oh he should be home soon. He had some business to take care of." In just a few minutes Mr. Zoren walked in.

"Oh I see we have visitors. Hello Knight and family." "Hi grandpa." Said Aria and Knight. "Hello kids." It wasn't the first time he has seen them. Although it has been quite awhile like maybe a few months. "Good to see you all again." "You too gramps." Said Knight. "You look just like your father." He looked at his dad. "I guess I sort of do." "Aria you look so much like your mother." "I know that's what the elf teacher said. Also training is going good. I am the strongest in my class." Said Aria. "Oh is that so?" He looked at Eva. She nodded. "Its good to see you too Art. How have you been lately?" "I've been good. Busy." "That is good." "What about you sir? How have you been?" "I've been busy as well more than usual since Torian ended up the king." "I'm sorry Mr. Zoren." "Its all good. You have been calling me that for years. I already told me you can call me Aries." "What?" Said the Kids in unison. Then Knight Jr. continued. "The Aries? The famous Demi-God Aries?" "Oh so you know me?" "Well we have read in our history books. I've studied a lot about you. I Never thought I would meet you in person. Knowing you are my blood. Does that mean Dad and us are Demi-Gods as well?" "Your father yes. He has more Demi-God in him than you both do. You have 1/3 of Demigod in you kids. Your father is half." "So what does it mean to be a Demi-God?" said Aria.

"Well as you studied I am the son of Aries the second. He was the god of love in a strange world. I have parital of his powers. I chose to stay on earth instead of up there. Yes I can still die since I am down here but eventually when I do die I will end up back with my father and mother." "So what is your fathers job?" "Well he is sort of like a cupid. Helps people fall in love and when they break up he helps then come to terms and try to make it peaceful." "Oh so that is the job." Said Knight. So what does that mean for us?" "Well its not as strong but you will be able to help matchmake people if you'd like. Maybe that is why Knight found Eva so easy. He had used his power without knowing he had it." "Yeah yeah I think it was just luck." "You still don't believe it do you? Even after all these years." "Not really. I've never matched anyone in fact other than my wife and loving my kiddo's I've never had any proof of the power." "Hmm. I see. How much longer do you have here?" "Oh we stopped here on the way home." "Oh ok then. Well next time you come over I want to have you follow me somewhere ok?" "Yeah sure. Well everyone we must be going." "OK dad." Said Knight. "Come on little sister." "Ok brother." "By grandpa." She went over and gave him a kiss. She hugged her grandma too and kissed her then they left back home.

They were almost home when Father Knight and Aria were shot with arrows. "Father! Sister! Mom Dad and sister were shot with arrows!" She rushed over to them and looked around. "Knight go get Art and magician! They will know what to do." "Yes mother." "Aria. Dad. You better be ok or I will find out who they are and kill them." Said knight junior.

"Your majesty we have an emergency. Quick follow me!" Torion followed him to Magician's and had him follow as well. Then he ran to where his father and sister were. "Knight! Aria!" Said Torion. "Hey Knight can you here me?" "Yeah but not for long. I'm quite weak. The arrows they are poisoned. Aria. Make sure she survives please." Then he passed out. "Dammit! Aria can you hear us! Uncle I'm scared. It hurts." "I know honey we will help you ok? It will all be ok I promise." "Uncle help me." Then her eyes closed. "NO! Dammit!" Magician said, "Calm down Torion I can help. Let me get help. I'll take these two. You send some guards to help Eva." "Yes lets go." "Aria be careful don't die ok?" "Knight go with your uncle ok? Or at least Magician." "Yes mother." He ran to Magician and followed him. "Ok you bastards. Who are you? Why are you after my family?" Then a few of them jumped form trees. "Ah so princess Eva has returned to us." Said one of the men.

"We used to live in the Elf world but were kicked out. We are rogue elves." "Oh so that's why you look different. Why come after us? Who sent you?" Then one of them shot Eva they knew she was immune to the poison. "Look closely and you will find out. You will know soon."

"Luckily I heal fast." Then they all left and Eva was running toward Torion. She finally got there and saw the King. "Your majesty. I have some news. We have to go to magician's now." "Yes Eva lets go." Then they ran to Magician.

"Magician!" "Your majesty. Eva." "Mom!" He ran to hug her. "Its up to them now weather to wake up or not. I've done what I can." Said Magician. "Thank you. May I see the arrows that pierced them please?" "Yes right here." They were in a tube. Magician gave her the tube with the arrows I it. "Do you have a place I can test the poison?" "Yes right back here." So he guided her to the room and then he took the King to his brother and Niece. Knight stayed with his father and sister as well. "Do you think Dad and sister will wake up soon? I can't loose another sibling. I can't loose father either." "I'm sure they will be fine. Your sister might wake up sooner than your father because she is younger." Said Torion.

It had already been 4 days and none of them woke up yet. Then around noon that day Aria was starting to wake up. "Hmm. Cough Cough. Mommy?" She had just walked in at that time. "Aria your awake! Oh my baby." "Mommy I was so scared." "I know baby your ok now." Knight junior went over to hug them both. "What about Daddy? Is he going to be ok?" "He hasn't woke up yet. According to the signs, he woke up any time now as well." Then that night around dinner time he had woken up and joined everyone for dinner.

"Hey everyone." "Daddy! Your finally awake!" then little Aria gave him a hug. "Glad to see you doing well to Aria how are you feeling?" "Fine Dad all healed." "That's good. So whats for dinner?" "Your favorite homemade casserole." "Ah I see sounds good." Knight jr. was by my side helping me sit down since I was still sore. "Thanks son. Go and eat now." "OK Dad." As we were eating dinner my son told me if he could talk to me alone I said yeah.

Finally dinner was done and my son came to talk to me. "Whats up son?" "Uh well…Uh." "Ok I think I know whats going on. Girl trouble right?" "Yeah sort of. I kind of want to ask her out and don't know how. How did you ask mom?" "Well to you it would be the old fashion way. I just went up and asked her if she wanted to go out with me. of course I blushed and scratched the back of my head nervously. after that the only thing you need to know is she said yes." "Oh ok dad. Uh since we are in the new age what shall I do?" "Well what does she like? You can try to ask her through what she likes and see what she says." "Yeah good Idea dad thanks! I don't know why I didn't think of it before!" He knuckled me then went out to his room.

I heard the door open and I saw Eva come in. "Oh hey how is everything out there?" "Oh it was fine. How are you feeling?" "A little sore I should be good in a few days." "Let me see the wounds." I took off my shirt to show her. "See I'm healing fine. Just a little sore." "Ok get some rest so it can heal faster." Then I gave her a kiss and we both went to sleep.