Chapter 32

"Its my 16th birthday. I was at work. I was with my mentor. He taught me some things I could work on. I can't remember his face." "Ok lets go further back to when you met your mentor. What was your first impression on him?" Knight went further back to when he met him.

"Hello boss. What is it?" "I've asked you here because I have someone who wants to be your mentor. He loves your work." "Who might that be?" "Follow me and you will know." Then Knight went into the room and saw the man. "Who is that man." Said Magician. "Its Miles. I knew it. I wasn't sure but I had a feeling." "OK now when I count to ten you will wake up. Then he counted to ten and Knight woke up. "Pant Pant…I'm ok. Do you think that Miles was reincarnated to? If so do you think he will remember?" "You know what? I might have a book on that give me a minute." So he went back in the library and I heard a lot of books dropping and he finally found it. "Here it is. Lets see. Where is that chapter on reincarnation. Ah here it is." Then he opened the book to the page. "OK when someone is reincarnated it may take some time to remember what happened in their life before. Some may not remember at all which is rare. Some things may trigger memories. It could be a smell something they see or touch even hear can trigger the memory." "Hmm should I ask him if he remembers and If not what can I do to make him remember me?" "Well if he doesn't, maybe you can show him this drawing. This drawing wasn't made in this time. This was most likely made in your past life." "Wait how can something from the past be brought from this time?" "Its says here no one knows just that it happens." "Well Magician thanks for the help. I know where I need to go." Then I ran out and headed for Mile's house.

I knocked on their house door. Ria answered. "Is your father here? Its urgent." "Yeah he is come on in." I went in and Ria said, "Are you ok Knight? You look a little pale." "Y-yeah I'm fine. I need to talk to your father alone if you don't mind. Yeah sure." Then Mile's showed up. He saw me. "What's wrong Knight? Why do you look so pale?" "I'm fine. I need to talk to you alone." "Yeah sure." So we went to his room and I started. "Before we met, did I look familiar in any way?" "Um should I have known you before that?" "So you don't remember. I was afraid of that. "Maybe you will remember this picture I drew." Then I took out the picture I drew from my past and showed him. I let him hold the picture and he took a good look at it closely.

Then I heard him sigh. "Sigh. Yes I remember you. I was just afraid you didn't remember me. Since you were able to draw better and stopped being your mentor, I stopped art all together. I was also reincarnated. As well as my daughter." "What happened Miles?" "Well sigh. We were out hunting and were attacked by a bunch of wolves." "I'm sorry." "Hey its all good."

"Oh speaking of all good, I finished your art. You can come pick it up anytime." "Ok we will do that later. As for Ria you can ask her if she remembers you. I doubt it. She was pretty young." "I'm sure she does. She looks at me like she wants to tell me something from back then. I have some things to do. Well I better get going. Its good to know at least you finally remember me." I got the picture back and went home to give it back to uncle Bain.

I returned home. "Here you go uncle Bain. You can have the picture back." "Did it help at all?" "Yes more than you know thanks uncle Bain. I'm so tired. I haven't been getting much sleep lately. I better go lay down." Before I can take two steps I almost fell but I hung on to the wall. Eva saw me and ran to help. "Are you ok Knight?" "Yeah just tired." Eva felt his forehead. "Oh you have a fever. Here lay down let me get some medicine." I didn't say a word I was too tired and fell asleep.

When Eva went out everyone had a worried face on. "Oh he has a fever. He must have overworked himself these past days." They all looked relieved. "I'll help you watch him until he is better." Said Bain. "Are you sure? What about Quinn?" "Oh she is staying at big Zee's house for a few days. It should be fine." "Ok then please. I have to go see Torion." "Yes of course."

Eva woke Knight up to give him his medicine then told him that Bain would be here until he is better and that she was going to see Torion. "OK be careful ok?" "I'll do my best get some sleep." Then she kissed Knights forehead and left.

"Good afternoon your majesty." Eva bowed. "Rise Eva. How is my brother these days." "Oh well he is doing fine your majesty. My I have a word?" "Yes please follow me to my office." "Ok let me guess its about Knights birthday present right? What big thing does he want?" "Well at first he wanted the sword that Knight had but we decided to wait until he is 18 or needs it in a recent battle coming up. I'm here to ask where I would get a griffin. He is staying at warrens house so there is plenty of room there." "Yes ok well I might be able to know where to get one. Wait until his birthday. I will have it ready." "OK thank you Torion." "Anything for family. How are you doing?" "Well I am doing fine. I sort of lied on how Knight is. He's not fine. He has overworked himself. He is in bed with a fever. I gave him some medicine before I left. Bain is there with him so he is not alone. Knight is only here for the week until his birthday then he goes back with warren." "I see well that doesn't surprise me. Knight can really overwork himself." "Yeah he can. Well I best be going. I took off a few days of work to take care of Knight so I better get going." "Be safe going home." "I will thanks.

Knight just got better when Knight junior's birthday had finally come. They had it at warrens house. Which was a mansion. There was a big cake with so many layers since there was a lot of people there. Once everyone sang and had some cake it was present time. Once he got everyone's present and thanked them it was time for the big one. Then Torion spoke. "OK everyone. This is a present to Knight from his parents. Eva came to talk to me about it. Knight you will have to keep it here at Warren's or the castle. Its too big to keep anywhere else. Come to the field and you will see your gift." He followed Torion as well as everyone else.

"Knight let me introduce you to your pet griffin. He doesn't have a name yet and he is still a baby. He will grow up and grow into his wings. Once he does he can take you around. They grow fast so you won't have to wait long." Knight ran over to his griffin but Torion warned him to walk softly to not scare him. Knight bent down and pet him. "What shall I name you?" Then everyone gave random names and Knight decided to call him Leo. "Hello Leo." "So you have decided to call him Leo." Said Knight coming over. "Yes dad. I was debating weather I wanted to call him Cyrus of Leo. I decided on Leo because it was shorter." "Haha yeah good idea. Now just because you have a griffin now doesn't mean you can skip out on training ok?" "Yes dad I know." "OK good." The party was over and everyone went home to train for the upcoming battle.

Finally the day of the battled was here. Everyone was getting together and getting ready. It wouldn't happen until that night. I was getting ready with warren and Knight. Aria was getting ready with the elves. Eva was with the healers. She wasn't a fighter.

Finally battle time. Everyone was getting in position. Waiting for Ria and Miles to be possessed. Finally we saw them and started freaking out. Before they could Kill anyone I tried to hold Ria's hands behind her back and Torion help Miles hands. "Everyone! Run as fast as you can! Find a safe place to hide!" Everyone ran and did just that. Then I let go of Ria's and Torion let go of Miles. Before I can feel relieved, I was thrown back by Ria. I landed hard on the ground and spit up blood. "I'm ok. Go after Miles and Ria." I got up and ran with him even though I was in pain. It wasn't only them they had other followers. Finally we caught up with them. Knight and the others were also finally seen. "Miles fight it! Rememeber your training!" "Ria I know its hard! Please come back to us!" I yelled. Then something was happening to me. I was being lifted up in the air by power and I felt something cold go into my stomach. "NO DAD!" screamed Knight junior. Then the power dropped me. I took the sword out and threw it to Knight and he caught it. "No dad please. Please we need you." I was coughing up blood. "I'll be fine Knight. Focus on the fight. Someone will come and help me. I'll try to hang on until then." "You better survive dad. If you don't I'll be pissed." I chuckled. "OK son be careful." Then I laid back down and was about to close my eyes when Eva showed up. "Knight! Knight can you speak?" "Yeah." I said in a strained tone. "OK Knight I'm going to pull this out of you ok?" "Pull it out in one go ok?" "This is going to hurt." She yanked the arrow out of me and I screamed. Knight had passed out and Eva started healing him right after the arrow was pulled out from the pain.

Once Knight was healed he only took minutes to wake up. "How is everyone? Did anyone die yet?" "As far as I know, no news of anyone dying." Then I went back to the vision of seeing both Zee's and Kiran laying there dead. "I gotta go! I have a bad feeling! Eva get ready to heal and fast!" "Yeah ok sure."

When I got to the scene big sister Zee was about to get stabbed when I pushed her away and no one could stop and I got stabbed in the shoulder. "SHIT That hurt! Zee are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine. But you." "I'll be fine. Go find Aria and help her out. Then I saw him going after little Zee next. "Oh no you don't!" I grabbed Miles before he had time to do anything. "Zee, do you have any idea how many more followers there are?" "Not much brother. I think we got most of them. There's still more out there." "OK I'll take it from here! Take Kiren with you. Take him to big Zee." "But your shouler." "I'll be fine. I'll live just go! GO NOW!" Then before she ran off she said, "Don't you dare die on us Knight! You will regret it." I nodded then she ran off. "I'll sorry Zee. I may not be able to keep that promise. It doesn't feel like an ordinary sword." I held my bloody wound. Then looked at Miles. "Miles. Ria. Come on. Come back. You know I'm not going to make it much longer. Even If you stab me again. I'll just have an early death." Before Miles could return in time he had already stabbed me. He finally came back. As well as Ria when she saw me hurt. I saw them shake their heads. "Miles. Your finally back." I dropped down on the ground. Eva came running. The others must have been taken care of cause my son and daughter came running as well. I coughed up blood. "Even if you heal this wound Eva. I won't be able to make it. The arrow wasn't a normal arrow." "Ria look at the arrows and show me them now!" Yelled Miles. She took one of the arrows out and showed him. "Shit. He's right. If we don't help him now he will die in a few minutes. Luckily I have an antidote." Said Miles. He got a syringe and gave me the antidote. I felt really tired. "No. No! Please no." said Knight Jr. Miles had tears in his eyes. "Thank you Miles. Everyone. I'll be fine. I'm just tired." Then he closed his eyes.

When Knight was waking up he found himself in a hospital. "Hmm. Ow. Where am I?" I blinked a few times to get used to everything. "He's waking up!" I heard someone say. "Knight. Knight? Are you ok?" I shook my head so I can hear and see who is calling me. Then my vision is clearing along with my hearing. I saw Eva and my Kids. "Eva. Kids. How is everyone?" "We're fine dad. Just got a few scratches nothing serious. No one died so don't worry. Well on our side that is." "Good I'm glad. What about Miles and Ria?" "Relax they are fine. No one is pressing charges on them." "That's good. But why am I still in pain? Is it because of the poison?" Then Miles walked in. "Yes the antidote I gave you takes awhile to sink in. I'm glad I got it to you in time. You will be fine." I had someone help me up and move up my bed a little bit. "Knight I'm so sorry. I tried fighting it. It tired me out but I finally came back. I'm sorry I couldn't wake up before I stabbed you. Ria has locked herself in her room and hasn't come out since the battle. It has already been two weeks." "Wait you mean I was out for 2 weeks? Holy crap." "Yeah you were hurt pretty bad. We thought we were going to loose you." Said Knight. I saw his tears. "Its ok son. Look I'm fine. I'm strong." "Dad just because you are strong doesn't mean you should get hurt." I looked at Eva and Laughed. We both laughed. "I'm serious dad." "I know son." I said after calming down. "Its just your mother keeps telling me the same thing. You should remember that too. Ok Knight?" "Yes dad I know."

A week later I was able to get out. The first place I went to was Miles house. Ria was shut up in her room. She wouldn't leave her room to eat so Miles brought the food in and she ate it. He brought the plate out and bring it to the kitchen.

Eva and I got to Miles house and Eva knocked on the door. Miles opened the door. "Is she in her room?" "Yes. Please try to help her. Even when I told her you were fine still no emotion." "Ok I'll go. Eva stay out here with Miles." She nodded and I went in.