Chapter 34 The Battle

Months went by and it was getting close to delivery day so we went to the hospital and waited. The kids will be there the next day.

"How you feeling Eva?" "Sigh a little tired. I just wish we can get these babies out so we can take care of them." "Yeah me too. wasn't it nice when my boss took the baby to work with him and just let them sleep in the stroller while he was working?" "Yeah it was. Now we have other people who can babysit. Once in a while you can take them to work with your boss ok?" "Yeah I think boss would like that. Even the big boss is starting to like kids. Scary right?" "Him like Kids? With that face?" "Haha I know."

Finally the day came and the kids were there. Magician came as well. Bain, Quinn, Aria, Hunter, Oden, my sisters, pretty much the whole family was there. They had to wait in the waiting room.

It was time to start pushing. It took about 5 pushes to push the first baby out which was the little girl Kida Aria. Then 4 more pushes was the baby boy Ryoto Knight. Then finally she pushed the cord out and she could rest. The doctors cleaned the babies off and wrapped them up. The boy in the blue and girl in the pink. The boy had elf ears as well as the girl. "Oh look honey both of them have elf ears. Maybe they will both be elves like Aria. She can watch over them when they get older." "Haha we will see." "Hey babies I'm your mommy." "Hey little ones I'm your daddy." "I'll go get the kids." She nodded.

"Ok Kids you can come meet your baby brother and sister." Mom and Oden you come too. there is a couch inside." "Oh the rest of us will stay out here. WE can wait." Said Bain and the others. Aria and Oden went in with hunter and they waited on the couch. "Can I hold my baby sister?" Said Knight "Yes and Aria you want to hold your baby brother?" "Yes please." I helped them get ahold of the baby and told them how to hold them. "Hey baby sis. I'm your big brother Knight. I have the same name as daddy. So it can get confusing you'll get used to it." Then Aria said. "Hey little brother. I'm big sis Aria. I was named after grandma Aria. Your middle name is Knight. Like big brother and daddy. Your sisters middle name is the same name as my name Aria. Ryoto Knight. That's your name little brother." Then Knight started talking to his little sister. "Looks like you both are going to be elves. I wonder which ones you are going to be? Maybe one of you will be both dragon and Elf. That will be pretty cool. What do you think Kida?" The baby's were both sleeping in their arms. Then Aria gave grandma Aria Ryoto and Knight gave Kida to Oden. "Aww they are so cute. Looks like they take after mommy's side of the family. Hi Ryoto. I'm your grandma Aria. This is grandpa Oden and uncle Hunter." "Hey there little guy. I'm uncle Hunter." Said Hunter. Then they switched babies and held them for a bit then Hunter held them both and talked to them then it was time to give the babies back to mom and dad. Then Bain can come in.

After Aria and her new family left, Bain Quinn my sisters and brothers came in. "Hey Bain. Hi Quinn." "Hey Knight how are the babies?" "They are good. Want to hold one of them?" "Of course. I'll hold the little girl Quinn can hold the boy." So I cave the boy to Quinn and the girl to Bain. "Kida is the girl and Ryoto is the boy." Said Knight. "Oh Ryoto huh?" "Yeah Knight picked it out. Aria picked the girl name out." "Oh that's pretty cool." "Hey little Kida. I'm Uncle Bain. I raised your daddy. You have 2 Auntie Zee's. We just call them big Zee and little Zee. Just like the knights can get confusing Zee's can too. You'll get used to it. Plus you have a pretty big family so there is nothing to worry about ok? We love you both so much." Then Bain kissed little Kida. Then Bain and Quinn switched babies and handed them to the Zee's. Then Avery had a turn with both of them eventually. Once everyone was done, they gave the babies back and headed back home.

3 days later we were able to bring the babies home. We brought them to their rooms after I fed them. We watched them sleep for awhile then we left the room quietly.

Finally 2 years had passed. It was getting closer to Knights 18th birthday. Which was also closer to the battle. The little toddlers Kida and Ryoto were at grandma's for a few days. I have been working part time at the studio for awhile until after the battle after Knights 18th birthday.

"Dad so you said I can keep the sword right?" "Yes you can. I'll give it to you in battle and you can keep it from there and pass it on to your son." "Haha that is if I have a son. If not I'll pass it on to my daughter." "Well its your choice. Anyway how is Kira?" Kira was engaged to Knight. When they turn 20 or 21 they will get married. "She is good. She is staying at her grandma's and training there for a few days. She has a pretty good trainer." "Yeah? Who is the trainer?" "Oh uh they will be here in a few hours for my birthday. She wants to surprise you so I won't say." "OK Keep your secrets son. By the way happy birthday." "Yeah thanks dad."

Then knight felt a presence running toward him and braced himself since he knew who it was. Then she crashed into him. "Happy Birthday big brother!" "Thanks little sis. So do you have a boyfriend yet? Anyone catch your eye." "Clears her throat. It's a secret. I invited him here. Right now we are just friends." "Ok be that way." Then stuck her tongue out at him. "Ok kids. That's enough. Your mom will be here soon." "OK dad."

Then finally it was time for the party. It was time for greetings. They were having a ball in order of his 18th birthday. It was at the castle. Finally everyone was starting to show up. They were all greeting him and wishing him a happy birthday. Then his sister came by and introduced the guy she was talking about. "Oh so this is the man you had your eyes on huh?" Knight Teased. "Ok brother enough." "Hello your higness." He bowed. "My name is Lake." "Nice to meet you lake. Please raise. NO formalities please." "Ok sure thing." Then after a lot of the happy birthday's, Kira came up and introduced the man that was training her. "Hello sir. Nice to see you again." "You are kidding me right son?" "Uh dad? Do you know this man?" "Sort of. I have seen him around when I was in my younger years. Hello Master Blaze." "Good to see you again Knight." "You too Master. How is your daughter and granddaughter doing?" "Oh my kids and grandkids are doing alright. Nice to see you having a few kids of your own huh?" "Yeah. You've met Aria and you know Knight. Oh there they are. My little 2 year olds. Hey honey. This is my wife Eva and my kids Kida and Ryoto." "Oh really? Ryoto?" "Why does everyone keep saying that? Knight named him. What is so special about that name?" "Lets talk about it after everyone leaves. Its not something we talk about on a happy day. Happy birthday Knight." He said to my son. "Thank you Blaze."

Once everyone was a mingled and his birthday dance with his fiancé happened, Cake came and presents. After a little more mingling people had places to stay in the castle and some people camped out closer to the castle for the battle.

A word of warning that the battles was coming. It was the day after his 18th birthday we got the message. Blaze was shot with an arrow but turned out ok. The note was attached to the arrow he was shot with. It said the battle will go down at the open space in the forest.

We all got ready to go. The little ones stayed at home with grandma. And the rest of us got ready to go. I gave Knight the sword. "Thanks dad. I will protect it the best I can." "I know son. If you don't its fine." He nodded then headed with is group. Then the announcement came.

"Ok those of you who can turn dragon transform. The others who can't in the group find a dragon to ride in your group! Stay with your group the whole battle! Everyone understand the plan!" I yelled as I made the announcement. "Sir yes sir!" "OK lets do this!" Then we all ran out there and started fighting.

My wife daughter and Bain. Yes he decided to join my fight along with uncle Cyrus. Avery joined in as well. We were all in groups of 6. There were quite a few of us we lost count. Obviously I survived the battle because I am here writing about it. Lets not spoil too much. Lets continue on. Eva rode on me and Aria rode on Uncle Bain. They stayed on us as much as they could while we were fighting since they could easily loose sight of us dragons.

I looked up at Eva. She saw me. "I'm ok. Aria how are you doing?" "I'm fine mom. I'm used to it thanks to brother." "Ok good." "Were good Knight lets continue fighting." So we got a few people and I was praying my son and the others would be ok.

I didn't see anyone come after me. Aria used her arrow and shot the guy that almost got me. I turned around and saw an arrow in his chest. "Woah thanks Aria. You saved my life." "Don't sweat it dad." "You can understand me Aria?" "Oh yeah that. I'll tell you about it if we both survive this battle." "Don't say that Aria. We will." She nodded and back to fighting.

On Knights side. He was fighting some deformed creatures. He had a few bruises and scratches not bad anyway. His group was. Blaze. Yeah he didn't listen and came anyway. Kira Lake Kiran and his wife Zee. The other Zee was in a different group. "Lake! Watch your back!" He turned around and got the guy. "Thanks Knight!" "NO problem!" Knight had changed back from his dragon form when he entered the battle. Then Knight saw something going after Kira and Zee. "Kira! Zee! Look out!" He quickly turned into his dragon form and blocked them in time but was hurt pretty bad in the process. "NO! Knight!" Yelled Zee. Knight turned back and saw the two running to him. Knight was coughing up blood. Cough Cough. "I'll be ok. (Takes in a deep breath.) Lake can heal me right man?" "Let me give it a shot. I hope so. This looks pretty bad. Keep battling everyone. I'll do my best to heal Knight." They all nodded and went back.

"Ok Knight. I'm not going to sugar coat it but this is going to hurt like hell." He nodded. He cut Knights shirt off with his power and started healing him. Knight screamed loud enough for others to worry about him. Once the screaming stopped everyone was even more worried. "Shit! Please be ok once I'm done healing you. I'm almost done Knight hang on please." Then finally the healing was done and lake checked that he was still breathing and he had a pulse. He was relieved everything sounded normal. "Ok Knight. I will guard you until you wake up. You better wake up man." The battle pursued for a few days then finally ended. Knight had woken up the next day after he passed out from pain. Then 2 more days of battle and it was over.

After the battle was over, everyone collapsed from exhaustion. All the elves went around to see if everyone was ok. If they needed healing they healed them if they could.

Finally my kids and the others were around us. I was hurt pretty bad along with Aria. I had to turn to my human form to protect Aria. She had to jump down off of Bain to get the guy. Me and her in our group were the worst wounded. "Heal….Aria…First." I said in a strained tone bleeding out. "Its ok. There is enough of us to heal you at the same time." Said Lake. "No not with my wound. Who knows? I might be joining father up there." I said panting. "No don't say that dad. Please don't say that." Said Knight. Then I closed my eyes. They must have been worried for a moment because I heard elves say things. Then I felt someone cut my shirt off. I couldn't move or say anything. I couldn't even feel the pain I felt numb. I bled out quite a bit. "Shit! Ok who has the same blood type?! He needs blood now! He won't survive!" Torion wasn't far and ran over. "I'm his full blood. I'm King Torion." "Ok here's what I need you to do. I need you to cut yourself and stick this into your wound then I will put the other end in his wound. I already stopped the bleeding but its not enough blood." "Yes sir." Torion did as he was told. He flinched then put the tube into his arm and Lake put the other end in mine. Then dark liquid came through and went into me. Then everyone saw color going back into my face and then they took the tube out and he healed my wound then Torion's. Aria was fine. just minor scratched and bruises. It was the day after that I woke up.

"Where am I?" I looked around and saw I was at home. "What? How did I get here?" Then I looked at the right side of me and saw Aria and Knight sitting with their head on my bed. I barely moved my hand but was enough to wake them up.

"Hmm. Dad is that you?" said Knight. "Yeah. Sorry to wake you Kiddo. You too Aria." "Daddy! Your ok thank Goodness!" "Hey ok ok how is everyone? Did we loose anyone?" Then he saw Knights face. "Who died?"' "Other than Blaze and Grandma Aria I don't know." "No. Mom died?" "I'm sorry dad." "Its ok son. How are your aunt Zee's and Kiran? Oh Avery too?" "Woah relax dear brother." Said Zee. "Other than them your whole family is safe. Looks like it was only mom and Blaze that died." "Zee Are you ok?" "Yes I'm fine. Brother. I will be. We just got mom back and we thought she died before. I thought it would be easy to except like it happened before but its not." Zee hugged her brother and he hugged her back. "It'll be ok Zee. Wait. That name Ryoto. Knight where did you hear that name before?" "I was hanging out at magician's place and read the name in one of his books why?" "That name sounds familiar. I need to go to magician's and fast." "Woah dad you just woke up. Can I just bring him and the book here?" "No son I have to go there. I have a bad feeling about something." Before anyone could stop me I was gone.