Even if the spider was huge, Bai Chen noticed that the eight-legged beast was moving quite fast, and he expected that the beast would attack him in no time.

But, even after he closed his eyes for a few minutes, he didn't feel anything with his body, and he could also breathe oxygen freely. Feeling that there was nothing happened to his body, Bai Chen finally opened his eyes again only to see how the giant spider froze in front of him.

His pair of blue eyes widened when he saw how the spider didn't move, and the beast even stopped letting out a deep growl from its mouth. Ah, even the spider's mouth was still gaping as if it was still preparing to attack him, and Bai Chen frowned in confusion.

He thought the time had stopped ticking, but when he found out that he could still move his body, and even the leaves on the trees around him could still shift when the air moved around them, he knew that only the spider had stopped moving, while the time continued ticking.