
Earth. Drake's apartment.

"I've got to find a way. Yes, I've got to!!"

Drake repeated those words, running around the circular pool behind his duplex. Don't ask him, that was his own form of exercise; to get his mind off the recent stress that have been overwhelming lately.

"But why isn't this thing working? Why aren't the lifelines activated yet?"

He had been running for several minutes now. And this was a ritual he started few days ago. Originally, he would run for fifteen minutes, but now he's three minutes away. He should stop anything soon.

"But I got the codes right. I did -- what is holding back the lifelines?"

He stopped running now, panting. Both his arms supported by his knees, his body bent towards the interlocked floor.

"Could the elites have figured out already?"

He shook his head, standing uprightly now.

"That's not possible. It was zero-day attack. They couldn't had figured out."

He paused for a while,

"Or should I had used -- nah, doesn't matter. Can't take it back. I'll just have to wait till it works."

He turned and looked at the apartment of Chloe,

"I'll just have to keep a close watch on this bitch and avoid her at all cost. Pending the time this work out. Then I'll be able to launch another attack into their system and activate unlimited lifelines. Only if this goes unnoticed."

He sighed,

"Let's just hope that this isn't boycotted."


He moved his arm towards Chloe's apartment like he would punch an invisible person.


He turned and began to walk away, towards the back door of his apartment. He was dripping. From afar, it seemed as though he had just finished having a bath in the pool. He walked into the apartment.

In no time, he was done freshening up. As he walked into the sitting room, wearing a blue knicker and black tank top, he clicked his fingers. A whirring sound came from the corners of the sitting room. Then hissing sounds were heard from these corners, and fragrance filled the room.

"Now, let's go see what we bought with the 8 coins."

He sat in the couch and picked up the chip tucked away thoughtfully. He had made sure to keep the the map away in order not to mix up the chips.

"Take DREYA to his apartment."

He ordered as soon as he clipped the chip in. He became unconscious, and leaned back into the backrest. Then gloom.

When next he opened his eyes, he was standing at the front of a bungalow. It was more like a cottage, but maintained much features of a bungalow. It was milk colored and had a small garden at its front.

There was a small car parked in a small opened garage; A red 2022 Lamborghini Urus MSRP. The production year was pasted on the trunk.

"What the fuck is this shithole. A 2022 car? Are this people shitting me? I had to fight that crazy monster to unlock this low budget bungalow? This is 3021 for fuck's sake! This car is like a millennium old! This is just unfair!"

He argued bitterly, rage squinching the corners of his eyes.

"Welcome to ULTINUM world."

A male voice came from behind him. He turned to see a teenage about his age, but the boy was quite plump, few inches shorter and cutely round. His silver eyes stood out exceptionally in his whole feature.

The boy continued before Drake could utter a word.

"Everyone of us had to put up with this too during our first win."

The boy advanced towards him and stretched out his cute short hand,

"Frehy, level 50. Welcome to the countryside. A rural world where everything is subjected to your perception."

Drake looked away from the saucy Frehy to his left and right side, considering the vast space for the first time. The houses there were scanty, just few houses and more landscape and greenery.

He looked back at the teenager. The latter dropped his hand when he figured that Drake wasn't going to take it.

"Oh, that's my apartment."

Frehy turned, pointing at the more cottage than bungalow building directly opposite his own building. Drake swallowed,

"Erm... Freyi or fre- whatever. Tell me, if you claim to be in level 50, then how come you're here? Didn't you just say that only level one players live here? Or wait -- are you saying that even level 50 can't leave this wretched --"

"You think too much, bro. Do you want me to explain?"

Drake nodded and Frehy continued.

"First off, it's Fre-he... that's the pronunciation."

"Yea... that's doesn't -- okay."

Drake tried to choose his words. Frehy continued,

"You see, the only different thing here in the ULTINUM world is that, every thing you bought with your money remains yours. Which means, you don't buy a property in level one to forfeit or have it confiscated because you've leveled up."

"In other words."

Drake was bent on getting to the root.

"It's simple. Let me put it this way. I'm in level 50 and have bought so many properties, but I choose to stay here."

Drake's eyes widened. He nodded,


Drake tried to repeat the words,

"You mean, you had other options but decided to remain in this shithole?"

Frehy nodded,

"Can be interpreted thus."

Drake scoffed taking a glance at the apartment again before looking back at Frehy,

"Nice one, Freyi -- sorry, I mean, Fre-he. But we have different perceptions of life okay. As for me, I'm returning to Earth. I won't come back here. Thanks for knowing you shortly."

He turned away and was going to tap on the blinking button in his nape when Frehy said,

"Good luck then. But I'm really not sure which is better between a countryside which even though is a simulation, still gives room for exploits. Compared to a confined place called Earth."

Drake stomped his feet suddenly, saluting,

"Yes, sir! Sergeant Dreya relieving himself of his duties."

He tapped on the button and into thin fog he melted. That was how unseriously he sometimes act whenever he didn't want to have a conversation.

"What an interesting guy!"

Frehy sighed then turned. He walked across the street towards his own apartment. His dog playing outside barked as he entered into the garden.

He waved and climbed up the stairs. As he opened the door to a spacious, well designed parlor with breathtaking interior designs, he was greeted by a thick voice,

"You seem to hold ULTINUM in great detest."

"See, dad I don't want to talk."

He took off his shoes, dismissing.

"Why do you take us as the villains? After all, we are acting your imagination! Perfect Life project didn't grow out of the dust."

He walked to one of the red leathered couches and picked up the remote control. The voice continued,

"Now you want us to destroy what you birthed? Isn't that unfair to you?"

"Please don't give me that bullshit."

He snapped. A laugh came,

"You know you're my only son and I've always sought to please you, even if it takes placing you over the sect. But you won't stop to amaze."

Frehy was now standing at the front of the 3D projected image of his father, technologically fixed in a standing image controller. His finger on the button of the remote.

"And now you have a new friend. I'm sure you're not thinking of recruiting him for the same purpose. Remember what happened to all those you recruited. All those you've raised against the project have paid for it. You know I'm always in the pity of the girl who got knocked off at level 300."

Frehy laughed in contempt.

"Stop acting like the almighty, father! And by the way, Dreya won't be returning to this rural area. So, rest your immortal mind."

"Uhmm... Dreya. If he's not returning, isn't it about time you gave up? Return to earth and I'll make you an elite in no time. There will be no limit to what you can do."

His father laughed lightly,

"You've got to see what fun Rodney's children are having out here."

"Go to sleep father."

He pushed the bottom and the 3D image of his father disappeared. He groaned then went to sit in one of the couch.

"How could he justify his evil desires with a child's story. What kind of father is obsessed with the story told by a seven years old?!"

He leaned back in the couch and began to cuss inaudibly, indistinctly. Kicking his legs against the cushion.