Drake discovers a border on earth.

Drake's apartment. Earth.

"Where's this dumb bot?"

Drake let the door close itself and stepped out out of the duplex. He was well dressed. His usual hoody and joggers.

He walked into the garden, looking around as he called,

"Robot car, where are you?"

He couldn't find it.

"I left it here. Could it had climbed out through the gate or wandered off?"

He ran to a corner of his apartment and looked. There was the bot, taking two steps to stop sequentially. In a rather funny manner.

"What's wrong with it? Could it be having a seizure?"

He scoffed,

"How ridiculous can I be? How can a bot have seizure?"

He raised his left arm and began to wave at the bot. It saw him and started walking towards him; bipedal motion.

"Aren't you supposed to stay one place?"

He watched the bot stand before him.

"Change into a Limousine. We have somewhere to go."

He ordered and watched the bot go on its four. Then its body shuffled into a Limousine.

Drake stepped in and walked to one of the red couches which had a long glass table bordering them. He jumped in the couch, lying flat.

"Where would you love to go, master?"

The robot asked. Drake sat up,

"Drop the formalities. Just keep going straight. I want to see what's at the end of this society! Let's see if there are other people beyond this place or if we are really only the survivors on earth."

"On it."

The motion of the car was ignited and off it went. Drake dropped on his back again, exhaling.

But then he got uncomfortable and unsatisfied by how slowly the Limo was going. He sat up,

"Can't you go any faster. When would get we get to where we are headed?"

"How fast do you want me to go?"

The bot asked again. He blurted,

"The fastest you can. I can't wait to see what's up ahead."

"Going 278 mph."

The bot warned but Drake didn't care,

"Just go the fuck, bro. You have no idea what I had to do to buy you. I couldn't believe that I made a fool of myself trying to be funny. And to think of it, I almost kissed --"

He shrugged, shaking his body in irritation,

"The memory is killing me!"

Then he paused.

"Wait, did I do that?"

He shook it off. The Limo was now going at its highest. Like an Agera. But could a Limousine really go that fast? Welcome to the future.


He rolled off the couch, hitting his head against the table when the car took a quick turn.

"Do you want to kill me?"

He yelled on top of his voice but the bot didn't reply. The car went on at the peak of its velocity till they bursted out into a long beautifully tarred road.

Drake couldn't look through the tinted windows. He could only see what was ahead of him through the small reality projector hanging down the board bordering the driver's seat and passenger's space.

He gaped when he saw how beautiful the open street was.

"Is it possible to open the roof of this car?"

He asked and the bot replied,

"Anything is possible. Opening."

He watched the roof of the car folded in like a convertible and opened up. He climbed on the couch, grabbed unto two handles fixed into the top and looked out.

"Woah. What a view."

He exclaimed. The houses which lined this street were like castles with golden layout like royal palaces. The street was especially made beautiful to complement the beauty of the buildings.

"Woah. This must be where the elites live."

He concluded but the bot interrupted,

"Lie. No player knows where the elites live."

"But you should know. You're a bot."

"My programs are limited. I don't contain all the information. Especially not that."

Drake scoffed and looked away from the steering which was moving of its own accord. That was where the voice had been coming from.

Drake turned to the other side. The buildings were the same.

"But I can't even see an express road let alone a company? Could this really be only a large neighborhood!"

He quizzed.

"Warning. Warning, danger ahead."

The bot warned.

"I'm feeling dizzy. What danger."

He asked, looking to the front. The great amount of fierce wind hitting against his face could make his cheeks go pale red at any point in time.

"Shall I stop? Danger ahead!"

The bot warned again. Drake kept his face to the front, looking across the roof. There was nothing in view.

They had left the street behind them and were now racing through a super large green field.

"I can't see nothing ahead. Just an endless field. Maybe at the end of this field we will get to ---"

"Danger! Danger! Dang --"

The car suddenly hit a strong electric border which couldn't be seen with the eyes. The wave of the force from the impact threw the limo to the back making it tumble over and over again... a suicidal somersault!


Drake was flung into the air to the side, traveling in great speed. His jaws shaking heavily, saliva going from the corner of his mouth to wash his face. Nose spurting phlegm over and over again.

Then he crash-landed! But something was strange as he dropped. He knew he should feel his ribcage cutting out of his flesh, his bones twisting and crushing. But instead, he only heard a gentle crack in his back. Though painful, 'twasn't what he had anticipated.

He opened his eyes. He groaned, pushing his body up away from the soft surface.

"Is he alright? Did we catch him well?"

He heard gentle whispers from his left and right. He looked. He was being held up in what looked like a super big duvet, by seven, eight, nine... fourteen people. Mostly females.

"Who are you?"

Was the first question he asked. Of course that was the only reasonable question.

"Put him down."

One of the two men in the group ordered and he was put down.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

One of the ladies asked. She was blonde. He nodded softly, sitting up.

"Thanks for saving me. But who are you?"

He repeated the question.

"We were in a meeting when we heard your car zoom past. We thought of who the newbie is. A newbie who doesn't know that there's a border created by the elites to keep us in. So, we wanted to come tell you, but then heard your scream... and here we are."

With the look on his face, you could tell that Drake obviously was finding it quite difficult to digest the words.

"Border... meeting? What are you talking about?"

The group took turns explaining to him.

"We are what you call rebels. We refuse to believe in the hell the elites call perfect life and meet occasionally to talk about new discoveries and ways to save humanity and return sanity to our race."

Drake looked from one person to the other as each explained,

"You might no know what this is all about but you obviously are not naive either. To have come all the way here, you must have been curious."

Drake nodded. Another continued,

"Before now, before the conspiracy of the elites against humanity. The impossible seven, a dumb name right? But that's what we know them as."


The middle aged man had warned the other guy who was a youth. The boy continued,

"These seven unknown men used politics in the old world as a tool to turn governments against one another. And then, a world war broke out. Nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles were made to rain like snow until there was little or no people left."

Another person continued from where he stopped,

"And since it's always been the plan of the seven to control the population of humans, it was easy to bring them all together. People of difference place to a particular area and lock them away with a border."

"But we refuse to be defeated. And we are certain that there are probably people in this space or outside this border who survived the war. People who know about the evil of the seven and are willing to fight with their lives to save humanity."

"Are you one of them?"

Drake nodded reluctantly, looking from one person to the other. He stood up,

"This all sound scary and interesting. But how did you all know about this...? Were you --"

"The intiators of this nameless movement told us the story."

"Sorry to ask, but where are these initiators?"

Drake risked it.

"They had their heads crushed by the bots of the government. The government did it to stop us, scare us, but we won't be cut down. We'll keep standing until we are seen and heard."

The others echo an approval. Drake was silent for a while but then asked again, gulping,

"Okay, this is a good thing. And I'm excited to know that there are some set of people who believe that this system is a total bullshit. But then, didn't you consider the bots? You said you converge occasionally, how do you escape the bots?"

"We don't."

That was the man. Drake looked with interest. The man continued,

"We were more than this but many got killed. What caused their deaths, the had physical contacts! Noticing that, we discovered that these bots are programmed. They can't sense words, they sense touches. As long as we don't have physical contacts, we are good."

Drake sighed. He walked out of the duvet. They turned in his direction. He stood where he could see all of them at once without having to turn,

"So you're saying that I can confide in you all?"

He asked. The man nodded slowly. Drake sighed again.

"Then, I think I'll be able to help you a bit."

"Help us, how?"

Someone had asked with much interest.

"I have a little something going on. If it works accordingly, then each of you can have unlimited lifelines. That should at least cut the judgement bots out of the chase."

The blonde girl who had asked the question rushed to hug Drake in excitement, but he was quick to dodge it. She fell.

The man barked at her,

"Tandzel! How clumsy. You could had gotten either of you two killed. Didn't I teach you to tame your emotions?"

Drake stepped in,

"Never mind. All that matters is that it didn't happen."

He looked at the girl, muttering

"Whoo, that was close."

The man questioned him,

"But how can we trust you? How do we know that you aren't working for the elites? Or how can we be sure that you can fulfill the promise!"

Drake gawked at the man for a while then turned.

"I'll just go and look for my robot car then. You can stay there hunting for trust."

He sneered and walked away.

"Hey, wait. Wait!"

The people called but he didn't wait. The man stopped them,

"Let him. He won't go far."

"How can you be sure?"

The blonde argued.

"His robot car is ruined. He'll have no choice but to return to us."

The man justified. The girl watched Drake go then mumbled,

"I don't know why I feel like I can trust me."

"Don't tell me you're crushing on him already?!"

A random girl picked on her and she turned to her in a growl.

"How can I when I know that I can't have him. Those stupid elites."

She grunted and turned back to watch Drake go.

"He has nice ass though."