Interwoven Plots...

It all comes down to one thing! And Drake knows what that was. Whatever reply he was going to give, he must be very careful. Plus, his priority at that moment was making sure that none of them see the drive.

Mr Sucker was glaring. Drake had no idea what the sadist had told Rodney and Hailie, but he chose to play it wisely.

"From the girl I told you about?"

Hailie looked slowly from Drake to Rodney who nodded.

"Hold on, a girl you told him about? Am I missing something here?"

Hailie couldn't hide her disagreement with them.

"Let's talk about that later, Hailie."

Rodney cut short then beckoned at Drake.

"Come here."

Drake edged closer. He halted in a position where all eyes were on him. It felt like he was in a box awaiting a sentence from the Jury or preferably Judge.

"Is it true... what your brother said?"

"I'm not sure what he told you."